Esploro Research Assets

Field Descriptions

Esploro Asset Measures
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Number of Assets | The number of assets | |
Number of Assets with Files | The number of assets with files | |
Number of Assets with Links | The number of assets with links | |
Number of Assets with Relations | The number of assets with relations | |
Number of Deposits | The number of deposits | |
Number of Deposits (Active) | The number of active deposits | |
New for February! Number of Researcher Draft Deposits |
The number of draft deposits | |
Number of Smart Harvests | The number of smart harvests | |
Number of Smart Harvests (Approved) | The number of approved smart harvests |
Asset Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Category | The asset category | |
Asset Type | The asset type | |
Asset Subtype |
The asset subtype This is mainly for data sets, to describe what type. |
Asset Input Method | The asset input method | |
Asset Created By | The user who created the asset | |
Asset Modified By | The user who modified the asset | |
Asset Input Status | The asset's status (for example: approved or draft) | |
Audience | The audience of the asset | |
Bibliography | Indicates if the asset has a bibliography | |
Display in Portal | Indicates if the asset is displayed in the Research Portal | |
Display in Profile | Indicates if the asset is displayed in the Researcher Profile | |
Duration | The duration of the asset | |
Edition | The edition of the asset | For example, book edition. |
Handle Identifier Status | The handle identifier status of the asset | Possible values: registered / not registered |
Is Deposit | Indicates if the asset was manually deposited by a researcher or staff member | |
Journal Title | The title of the journal | |
Keywords | The keywords of the asset | |
Languages | The languages of the asset | |
Open Access Indicator | Indicates if the asset is open access | |
Open Access Status | The open-access status of the publication. | Possible values are:
For more information, see Article Information Section. |
Pages | The pages of the asset | |
Peer Reviewed | Indicates if the asset was peer reviewed | |
Provenance |
The origin of the asset, where the record came from |
Publication Details | The publication details of the asset | |
Publisher | The publisher of the asset | |
Research Topics | The research topics of the asset | |
Title | The title of the asset | |
Asset Organizations List | A list of the asset organizations | |
Asset Authors List | A list of the asset authors | |
Asset Authors List with Primary Identifier | A list of the asset authors with their primary identifier | |
Has Attachment | Indicates if the asset has an attachment | |
Has Files | Indicates if the asset has files | |
Has Inventory | Indicates if the asset has inventory | |
Has Links | Indicates if the asset has links | |
Has Relations | Indicates if the asset has relationships with other assets | |
Volume | The volume number of the asset | |
Issue | The issue number of the asset | |
End Page | The end page of the asset | |
Start Page | The start page of the asset | |
Article Number | The article number of the asset | |
Sub Title | The subtitle of the asset | |
Publication Place | The publication place of the asset | |
Format | The format of the asset | |
Size | The size of the asset | |
Translated Title | The translated title of the asset | |
Alternative Title | The alternative title of the asset | |
Publication Title | The publication title of the asset | |
NLM Abbreviation | The NLM abbreviation of the asset | |
Series | The series of the asset | |
Series Number | The series number of the asset | |
Comment | Comments of the asset | |
Copyright Statement | The copyright statement of the asset | |
Illustrations | The illustrations of the asset | |
Unpaginated Pages | The unpaginated pages of the asset |
Asset Identifiers
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset ID | The ID of the asset | |
ARK ID | The ARK ID of the asset | |
arXiv ID | The arXiv ID of the asset | |
DOI | The DOI of the asset | |
DOI Status | The status of the DOI | Possible values:
Government Document Number | The government document number of the asset | |
ISBN List | The ISBN of the asset in a concatenated list | |
ISMN | The ISMN of the asset | |
ISSN List | The ISSN of the asset in a concatenated list | |
Publication DOI | The Publication DOI of the asset | |
PMID | The PMID of the asset | |
PMCID | The PMCID of the asset | |
Originating System ID | The originating system ID of the asset | |
Handle Identifier | The handle identifier of the asset | |
Report Number | The report number of the asset | |
SICI | The SICI of the asset | |
WOS ID | The WOS ID of the asset | |
Scopus ID | The Scopus ID of the asset | |
Additional Identifier 1-9 | Additional Identifiers of the asset 1-9 |
Asset Descriptions
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Has Abstract | Indicates if the asset has an abstract | |
Has Audience | Indicates if the asset has an audience description | |
Has Coverage | Indicates if the asset has coverage metadata | |
Has Education Level | Indicates if the asset has an educational level description | |
Has Instructional Method | Indicates if the asset has an instructional method description | |
Has Methods | Indicates if the asset has method metadata | |
Has Other Description | Indicates if the asset has other descriptions | |
Has Spacial Information | Indicates if the asset has spatial information | |
Has Technical Information | Indicates if the asset has technical information |
Asset Creators and Contributors
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Author Affiliated/Non-Affiliated |
The data indicating if the author is affiliated or not affiliated |
Author Affiliation #1-5 (in Asset) | The author affiliations while creating or contributing to the asset, recorded in the asset | |
Author Affiliation Country #1-5 (in Asset) | The author affiliation country of the author affiliations of an asset of the corresponding Author Affiliation (in Asset) #1-5 field | |
Author First Name | The first name of the author of the asset | |
Author Last Name | The last name of the author of the asset | |
Author Middle Name | The middle name of the author of the asset | |
Author Name | The name of the author of the asset | |
Author Name Suffix |
The suffix of the name of the author of the asset |
Author Order (in Asset) | The order of the author as listed in the asset | |
Author Role | The author role when creating or contributing to the asset | |
Author Type | The author type: creator or contributor | |
Author Current External Org Affiliations List |
The author’s current external organization affiliations list |
Author Current External Organization Affiliations Country | This field is for future use | |
Author Current Internal Org Affiliations List |
The author’s current internal organization affiliations list |
If an affiliated researcher has no current internal affiliation defined, Esploro Analytics uses the researcher’s institution for this field |
Author Display in Public Profile | Indicates if the asset should appear in the creator’s public profile | |
Author Group Author | The group author or organization name that created or contributed to the asset | |
Author Is Owner | Indicates if the creator or contributor of the asset is the owner of the asset | |
Author Match Status | The author matching status of the creator or contributor of the asset | |
Author Previously Affiliated | Indicates if the researcher was previously affiliated with the institution | |
Author Researcher Non-Affiliated Primary Identifier | The primary identifier of non-affiliated researchers | |
Author Researcher Preferred First Name | The researcher preferred first name of the creator or contributor | |
Author Researcher Preferred Last Name | The preferred last name of the researcher | |
Author Researcher Preferred Middle Name | The preferred middle name of the researcher | |
Author Researcher Preferred Name | The preferred name of the researcher | |
Author Researcher Preferred Name Suffix | The preferred name suffix of the researcher | |
Author Affiliated Primary Identifier |
The primary identifier of the affiliated researcher |
Asset Collections
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Collection Code | The code of the collection | |
Collection Title | The name of the collection | |
Collection Status | Indicates if the collection is active or not |
Asset Academic Organization Units
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Organization Unit Code | The code of the organization unit with which the asset is associated | |
Organization Unit Name | The name of the organization unit with which the asset is associated | |
Organization Acronym | The acronym of the organization | |
Organization Unit Status | The status of the organization unit with which the asset is associated | |
Organization Unit Type | The type of the organization unit | |
Organization Parent Unit Code | The parent organization unit code | |
Organization Parent Unit Name | The parent organization unit name | |
Ror Identifier | The organization’s ROR (Research Organization Registry) identifier | |
Grid Identifier | The organization’s GRID identifier. GRID has been deprecated and continued by ROR | |
Fundref Identifier | The organization’s FundRef Identifier | |
Other Identifier | Any additional identifiers | |
Organization Contact Name | Name of a contact person/point for the organization | |
Phone | Phone of contact person/point | |
Email of contact person/point | ||
Full Location | The complete address of the organization | |
Has Homepage | Indicates if the organization has a homepage | |
Display in Portal | Indicates if the organization unit displays in the Organization Tree in the portal but only if the unit has assets/public researcher profiles | |
Always Display | Indicates if the organization unit always displays in the Organization Tree in the portal – even if it does not have assets/profiles | |
Has Files | Indicates if the organization unit has associated files |
Asset Creation Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Creation Date | Displays the date that the asset was created in Esploro in the date format 2/29/2012 | For the date that the asset was created in its original source, use Asset Dates > Asset Created Date |
Asset Creation Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Asset Creation Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Asset Creation Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Asset Creation Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Asset Creation Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Asset Creation Year-Month | Displays the year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Asset Modification Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Modification Date | Displays the asset modification date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Asset Modification Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Asset Modification Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Asset Modification Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Asset Modification Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Asset Modification Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Asset Modification Year-Month | Displays the year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Asset Dates
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Accepted Date | The date on which the asset was accepted | The date as a string and can be partial, such as just the year or just the year and month |
Asset Accepted Date (Calendar) | The date on which the asset was accepted | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Asset Accepted Year | The year in which the asset was accepted | |
Asset Application Date | The application date for the patent of the asset | |
Asset Application Year | The application year for the patent of the asset | |
Asset Approval Date | The date on which the asset was approved | |
Asset Approval Year | The year in which the asset was approved | |
Asset Available Date | The date on which the asset was made available | The date as a string and can be partial, such as just the year or just the year and month |
Asset Available Date (Calendar) | The date on which the asset was made available | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Asset Available Year | The year in which the asset was made available | |
Asset Collected Date | The date on which the asset was collected | |
Asset Collected Year | The year in which the asset was collected | |
Asset Copyrighted Date | The copyright date of the asset | |
Asset Copyrighted Year | The copyright year of the asset | |
Asset Created Date | The date on which the asset was created in its original source. | For the date that the asset was created in Esploro, use Asset Creation Date > Asset Creation Date |
Asset Created Year | The year in which the asset was created | |
Asset Defense Date | The date the asset was defended | |
Asset Defense Year | The year the asset was defended | |
Asset Degree Date | The date of the degree of the asset | The date as a string and can be partial, such as just the year or just the year and month |
Asset Degree Date (Calendar) | The date of the degree of the asset | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Asset Degree Season | The season of the asset degree | |
Asset Degree Season Code | The season code of the asset degree | |
Asset Degree Year | The year of the asset degree | |
Asset Epublished Date | The date on which the asset was epublished | The date as a string and can be partial, such as just the year or just the year and month |
Asset Epublished Date (Calendar) | The date on which the asset was epublished | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Asset Epublished Year | The year in which the asset was epublished | |
Asset Hierarchal Date (Year) | One of the dates of an asset (year only), selected according to the hierarchy or ranking of dates as listed under Date Hierarchy. The first field with a value is displayed. | |
Asset Issued Date | The date on which the asset was issued | |
Asset Issued Year | The year in which the asset was issued | |
Asset Opening Date | The date on which the asset was opened | |
Asset Opening Year | The year in which the asset was opened | |
Asset Performance Date | The performance date of the asset | |
Asset Performance Year | The performance year of the asset | |
Asset Posted Date | The date on which the asset was posted | |
Asset Posted Year | The year in which the asset was posted | |
Asset Presented Date | The date on which the asset was presented | |
Asset Presented Year | The year the asset was presented | |
Asset Published Date | The date on which the asset was published | The date as a string and can be partial, such as just the year or just the year and month |
Asset Published Date (Calendar) | The date on which the asset was published | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
Asset Published Season | The season in which the asset was published | |
Asset Published Season Code | The code of the season in which the asset was published | |
Asset Published Year | The year the asset was published | |
Asset Renewed Date | The date on which the asset was renewed | |
Asset Renewed Year | The year the asset was renewed | |
Asset Submitted Date | The date the asset was submitted | |
Asset Submitted Year | The year the asset was submitted | |
Asset Updated Date | The date on which the asset was updated | |
Asset Updated Year | The year in which the asset was updated | |
Asset Valid Date | The valid date of the asset | |
Asset Valid Year | The valid year of the asset |
Asset Access Rights
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Policy Name | The name of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Policy Description | The description of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Policy Creation Date | The creation date of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Policy Created By | The user who created the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Policy Modification Date | The date the access right policy associated with the asset was modified | |
Asset Policy Modified By | The user who modified the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Policy Denied Note | The denied note of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
Asset Embargo Expiry Date | The date the embargo on the asset expires |
Asset License
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset License Name | The name of the license associated with the asset | |
Asset License Code | The code of the license associated with the asset | |
Asset License Description | The description of the license associated with the asset | |
Asset License URL | The URL of the license associated with the asset | |
Display in Researcher Profile | Indicates if the asset license is displayed in Researcher Profile |
Asset Conference/Event
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Conference/Event Date |
The conference or event date |
Conference/Event Location |
The conference or event location |
Conference/Event Name |
The conference or event name |
Conference/Event Number |
The conference or event number |
Event Type |
The type of event |
Asset Grants and Funders
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Grant Acronym | The acronym of the grant | |
Grant ID | The ID of the Grant | |
Grant Name | The name of the grant | |
Grant Status | The status of the grant | |
Grant Category | The category of the grant | |
Grant Amount | The amount of the grant | |
Grant Funder | The funder of the grant | |
Grant Funder Country | The country of the funder of the grant | |
Grant Funder Parent | The name of the funder's parent organization | |
Grant Start Date | The start date of the grant | |
Grant End Date | The end date of the grant | |
Grant Expected End Date | The expected end date of the grant | |
Grant Expected Start Date | The expected start date of the grant | |
Grant Note | The Grant Note | |
Grants URL | The URL of the grant |
Asset Citations Count
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Citations Count Source | The source of the citation count | Possible values: Web of Science, Scopus, Other |
Total Citation Count | The total citation count for the relevant source | |
Year Of Citations Count | The year for which there is a count for the relevant source | |
Yearly Citations Count | The citation count for the relevant year |
Asset Attachments
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Attachment Creation Date | The date the attachment was created | |
Attachment Creator | The creator of the attachment | |
Attachment Description | The description of the attachment | |
Attachment Name | The name of the attachment | |
Attachment Modification Date | The date the attachment was modified | |
Attachment Modified By | The user who modified the attachment | |
Attachment Notes | The notes of the attachment | |
Attachment URL | The URL of the attachment | |
Attachment Extension | The file extension of the attachment | |
Attachment Size (In MB) | The size of the attachment in MB |
Asset Relations
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Related Asset Category | The category of the related asset | |
Related Asset Type | The type of the related asset | |
Related Asset DOI | The DOI of the related asset | |
Related Asset Title | The title of the related asset | |
Related Asset Id | The ID of the related asset | |
External Relation URL | The external relation URL | |
Relation Category | The category of the relation | |
Relation Type | The relation type | |
Relation Create Date | The creation date of the relation |
Asset Patent
Asset Patent is a dimension table that displays details that are specific to the patents of the assets.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Patent Status | The status of the patent | |
Patent Number |
The patent's number |
Patent Number Abbreviation | The abbreviation number for the patent | |
Patent Kind Code | The kind of patent code | |
Patent Application Code | The patent application code | |
Patent Application Number | The patent application number | |
Patent Agency | The agency that issued the patent | |
Government Documents Number | The number of the government document for the patent |
Asset ANZ Codes
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Fields of Research Full Code | The code of the field of research | |
Socio-Economic Full Code | The socio-economic objective code | |
Socio-Economic Description (Full Code) | The socio-economic objective description | |
Socio-Economic Percentage (Full Code) | The percentage of the socio-economic objective | |
Fields of Research Description (Full Code) | The description of the field of research | |
Fields of Research Percentage (Full Code) | The percentage of the field of research | |
Type of Activity | The type of activity | |
Fields of Research Code - Level 1-3 | The level of the field of research code | |
Fields of Research Description - Level 1-3 | The level of the field of research description | |
Fields of Research Version | The version of the field of research | |
Socio-Economic Code - Level 1-3 | The level of the socio-economic objective code | |
Socio-Economic Description- Level 1-3 | The level of the socio-economic objective description | |
Socio-Economic Version | The socio-economic version |
Asset Local Fields
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Local Field 01-15 | The local fields of the asset | For each local field, the label that you configure appears for the field name. For more information, see Configuring Local Asset Fields. |
Asset Spatial Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Spatial Address | The spatial address | |
Spatial Box | The spatial box | |
Spatial Point | The spatial point |
Asset ETD Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Awarding Academic Unit 1-5 | The awarding academic unit | |
Degree Awarded | The degree awarded | |
ETD Author Degree Grantor | The ETD author degree grantor | |
Primary Thesis Topic | The primary thesis topic | |
Degree In | What the degree is in | |
Secondary Thesis Topic | The secondary thesis topic | |
ETD Author Email | The ETD author email | |
Project Type | The project type |
Asset National Assessment Fields
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Profile Code | The assessments profile code | |
Profile Description | The assessments profile description | |
Profile Name | The assessments profile name | |
Profile Status | The assessments profile status | |
Asset National Assessment Fields Name | The assessments profile field name | |
National Assessment Field Value 01-50 | The assessments profile field value |
Asset Teaching and Learning
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Mobile Compatibility | Indicates if the asset is mobile compatible | |
Source code availability | Indicates if the asset source code is available | |
Typical learning time | The typical learning time expected for the teaching material’s audience | |
Course name | The course name to which the asset relates | |
Course number | The course number to which the asset relates |
Asset Notes
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Note Created By | The creator of the note | |
Note Creation Date | The date the note was created | |
Note Text | The text of the note | |
Note Type | The type of the note | |
Note Update Date | The date the note was updated | |
Note Updated By | The user who updated the note | |
Note URL | The URL of the note |
Asset Topics
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Asset Topic Language | The language of the topic | |
Asset Topic Type | The type of the topic | Possible Values:
Asset Topic Value | The value of the topic |
Asset Usage
Asset Usage is a dimension table that displays fields that display the usage of the assets.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Number of File Views / Downloads | The number of file views and file downloads of the asset in general. | This measure counts the number of file views or downloads done for all files on an asset, but they are counted as a single file view/download per session. Therefore, if several files are accessed on an asset in one session, they are counted as a single file view on the asset level.
This field is COUNTER compliant. |
Number of Record Views | The number of views of the asset's metadata page in the Research Portal. | This field is COUNTER compliant. |
ISSN and ISSBN is a dimension table that displays fields that display the ISSNs and ISSBNs of an asset on separate lines.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
ISBN single (Normalized) | The ISBNs of the asset. Each ISBN is on a separate line. | This field is updated monthly. |
ISSN single (Normalized) | The ISSNs of the asset. Each ISSN is on a separate line. | This field is updated monthly |
InCites Metrics Details
InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool by Clarivate for analyzing institutional productivity and benchmark output. For more information see InCites Benchmarking & Analytics.
- The InCites data is available for InCites customers only. You must fill out the Web of Science Identifier for assets or run the Web of science ID job to see data for these fields. For additional help, contact Ex Libris Support.
- The data displayed in the CNCI Average, JNCI, Normalized Impact, and Journal Expected Citations fields is related to the schema that is selected. Therefore, there may be differences between what is displayed in analytics and what is displayed in the InCites tool.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
CNCI (InCites) | The Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of a document is calculated by dividing the actual count of citing items by the expected citation rate for documents with the same document type, year of publication, and subject area. An CNCI value of 1 represents performance at par with world average, values above 1 are considered above average, and values below 1 are considered below average. When a document is assigned to more than one subject area, an average of the ratios of the actual to expected citations is used. | |
ESI Highly Cited Paper (InCites) | Highly cited papers are the top one percent in each of the 22 ESI subject areas per year. They are based on the most recent 10 years of publications. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
ESI Hot Paper (InCites) | Hot Papers are calculated based on citations per field and age. The number of hot papers for an entity (author, institution, country, and journal) divided by the total number of documents produced by the given research entity times 100. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) (InCites) | The Journal Impact Factor is the average number of times that that articles published over the course of a year in a journal have been cited. The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of citations per year by the total number of articles published in the previous two years. An Impact Factor of 1.0 means that, on average, the articles published one or two year ago have been cited one time. | |
InCites Record Type (InCites) | InCites supports one document type per publication. Record types can be: Article, Review, Proceedings Paper, and Book. | |
Is InCites (InCites) | An indication if a record has InCites information. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Is Industry Collaboration (InCites) | Papers that contain two or more organizations with at least one organization listing its organization type as corporate or global corporate. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Is Domestic Collaboration (InCites) | Papers with two or more authors and two or more distinct addresses, with all organizations and addresses in the same country. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Is International Collaboration (InCites) | Papers that contain one or more international co-authors. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
JNCI (InCites) | The Journal Normalized Citation Impact of a single publication is the ratio of the actual number of citing items to the average citation rate of publications in the same journal in the same year and with the same document type. The JNCI for a set of publications is the average of the JNCI for each publication. | |
Journal Expected Citations (InCites) | The average number of citations of articles of the same document type from the same journal in the same database year. You can compare an article's citation count to this norm by forming a ratio of actual citations to expected citations--the Journal Actual/Expected Citations ratio. | |
Modification Date (InCites) | The modification date of the citation data. | |
Category Expected Citations (InCites) | The expected number of citations calculated from other items of the same type (article, review, etc.) published in the same subject categories and year. | |
Open Access (InCites) | Indicates if the record considered open access. | Possible Values: Yes/No |
Open Access Type (InCites) | Notification of the type of open access of the Web of Science record - Gold or Bronze (free content at a publisher's website) and Green (author self-archived in a repository) OA versions. |
For more information on the InCites metrics, see Indicators Handbook.
InCites Metrics Measures
InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool by Clarivate for analyzing institutional productivity and benchmark output. For more information see InCites Benchmarking & Analytics.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Number of ESI Highly Cited Papers (InCites) | A count of Highly Cited Papers | |
Number of ESI Hot Papers (InCites) | A count of Hot Papers | |
Number of Industry Collaborations (InCites) | A count of records marked as industry collaborations | |
Number of Domestic Collaborations (InCites) | A count of records marked as domestic collaborations | |
Number of International Collaborations (InCites) | A count of records marked as international collaborations |
For more information on the InCites metrics, see Indicators Handbook.
InCites Metrics Schema Details
InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool by Clarivate for analyzing institutional productivity and benchmark output. For more information see InCites Benchmarking & Analytics.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Category Expected Citations (InCites) | The Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of a document is calculated by dividing the actual count of citing items by the expected citation rate for documents with the same document type, year of publication, and subject area. An CNCI value of 1 represents performance at par with world average, values above 1 are considered above average, and values below 1 are considered below average. When a document is assigned to more than one subject area, an average of the ratios of the actual to expected citations is used. This field is per subject and is not averaged. | |
Category Percentile (InCites) | A percentile is a normalized indicator because it indicates how a paper performed relative to others in its field, year, and document type. The percentile of a publication is determined by creating a citation frequency distribution for all publications in the same year, subject category, and document type (arranging the papers in ascending order of citation count), and determining the percentage of papers at each level of citation. | |
CNCI (InCites) | The Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of a document is calculated by dividing the actual count of citing items by the expected citation rate for documents with the same document type, year of publication and subject area. When a document is assigned to more than one subject area an average of the ratios of the actual to expected citations is used. The CNCI of a set of documents, for example the collected works of an individual, institution or country/region, is the average of the CNCI values for all the documents in the set. | |
Is Best Term (InCites) | If multiple subjects are related to an output, this field indicates which one has the highest match (one per schema). | |
Research Area Schema (InCites) | The schema name. | |
Subject Term (InCites) | The subject name. |
For more information on the InCites metrics, see Research Area Schemas.
File Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File Creation Date | The creation date of the file | |
File Creation Date (Calendar) | The creation date of the file | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
File Created By | The user who created the file | |
File Description | The description of the file | |
File Display Name | The Display Name of the file | This is as opposed to the File Name, which may not be meaningful. |
File Extension | The extension of the file | |
File ID | The ID of the file | |
File Internal Path | The internal path of the file | |
File Mime Type | The mime type of the file | |
File Modification Date | The modification date of the file | |
File Modification Date (Calendar) | The modification date of the file | The date in format 01/01/2007 that can be used for filtering by date in the report. If the month or day are missing, 01 is used |
File Modified By | The user who modified the file | |
File Name | The name of the file | |
File Size (In Bytes) | The size of the file in bytes | This field is a measure field and can be aggregated. |
File Size (In MBs) | The size of the file in megabytes | This field is a measure field and can be aggregated. |
File Supplemental Indicator | indicates if the file is supplemental or represents the actual asset content | |
File Type | The content type of the file |
File Level Access Rights
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File Policy Name | The name of the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Description | The description of the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Creation Date | The creation date of the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Created By | The user who created the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Modification Date | The modification date of the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Modified By | The user who modified the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Denied Note | The denied note of the file of the access right policy associated with the asset | |
File Policy Embargo Expiry Date | The date the embargo on the file expires |
File Level License
Field | Description | Additional Information |
File License Name | The name of the file of the license associated with the asset | |
File License Code | The code of the file of the license associated with the asset | |
File License Description | The description of the file of the license associated with the asset | |
File License URL | The URL of the file of the license associated with the asset | |
Display in Researcher View | Indicates if the file license is displayed in Researcher View |
File Temporary Links
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Link UUID | The universal unique identifier of the link | |
Temporary Link Creation Date | The date the temporary link was created | |
Temporary Link Expiration Date | The date the temporary link expired |
Link Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Link Creation Date | The creation date of the link | |
Link Created By | The user who created the link | |
Link Modification Date | The last date the link was modified | |
Link Modified By | The user who modified the link | |
URL | The URL of the link | |
Link Type | The content type of the link | |
Link Description | The description of the link's content | |
Link Order | The order of the link in the asset’s links list | |
Link Ownership | Whether the link is owned by the institution or not | |
Link Supplemental Indicator | Indicates if the link is supplemental or represents the actual asset content | |
Link Title | The display title of the link | |
Display in Viewer | Indicates if the link’s content is displayed in the viewer | |
Link Rights | The asset access rights of the link |
Link Level License
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Link License Code | The code of the link license | |
Link License Name | The name of the link license | |
Link License Description | The description of the link license | |
Link License URL | The URL of the link license | |
Asset Categories | The asset categories relevant for this license | |
Display in Researcher View | Indicates if the link license should appear to the researcher to select when making a deposit |
Deposit Details
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Deposit Status | The status of the deposit | |
Owner ID | The ID of the owner of the deposit | |
Owner First Name | The first name of the owner of the deposit | |
Owner Middle Name | The middle name of the owner of the deposit | |
Owner Last Name | The last name of the owner of the deposit | |
Assigned to ID | The ID of the user assigned to the deposit | |
Assigned to Name | The name of the user assigned to the deposit |
Deposit Acceptance Policy
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Is Policy Accepted | Indicates if the Policy is Accepted | |
Policy Name | The name of the policy | |
Acceptance Note | The policy acceptance note | |
Policy Acceptance Date | The policy acceptance date |
Deposit Approval Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Deposit Approval Date | Displays the date that the deposit was approved in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Deposit Approval Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Deposit Approval Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Deposit Approval Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Deposit Approval Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Deposit Approval Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Deposit Approval Year-Month | Displays the year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Deposit Creation Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Deposit Creation Date | Displays the deposit date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Deposit Creation Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Deposit Creation Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Deposit Creation Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Deposit Creation Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Deposit Creation Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Deposit Creation Year-Month | Displays the year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
Deposit Modification Date
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Deposit Modification Date | Displays the deposit modification date in the date format 2/29/2012 | |
Deposit Modification Month Key | Displays the month of the date in number format such as 2 for February | This field is useful when you want to sort by month |
Deposit Modification Month | Displays the month of the date in month description format such as February | |
Deposit Modification Full Month | Displays the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | |
Deposit Modification Quarter | Displays the quarter of the date in a display format such as Q1 | |
Deposit Modification Year | Displays the year of the date in string format such as 2012 | |
Deposit Modification Year-Month | Displays the year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |