Redirect Previous Repository Portal URLs to the Research Portal
This page describes how to redirect URLs from portals of previous repositories to the research portal. For working with Esploro portals and profiles see here.
Esploro currently supports the redirection of asset and asset file pages as well as researcher pages.
Redirect Previous Repository's Portal URLs to the Research Portal
After migrating from other repository systems to Esploro, you can set up a redirect of the previous repository portal asset pages, file links and researcher profile pages to their respective pages in the Esploro Research Portal. To enable the redirect, please contact Ex Libris Support to configure the relevant redirect settings and make sure that you are able to redirect incoming calls made to the previous repository portal domain name to the new Esploro Research Portal domain.
All calls to the previous repository portal domain name should be redirected to the following URL:
esploro_base_url = the specific customer base URL for Esploro
esploro_inst_code = the Esploro institution code of the customer
path = the original URL request to the previous repository portal domain name, encoded in UTF-8
For example, for the Esploro university with the following details:
esploro_base_url =
esploro_inst_code = 01ESPLORO_INST
path = -
The URL that the customer should redirect to is:
Please make sure to contact Ex Libris support before applying any redirect in order to make sure that the proper redirect configuration and mapping are set.
To allow continued SEO support when doing the redirection, you need to return to the requester a 301 http code ("Moved Permanently").
The URL for each previous repository page should have a unique string that could help identify the entity type e.g., asset page, file link, researcher, etc. In addition, the URL s expected to include a unique string that identifies the actual entity in Esploro. With this information, the customer needs to contact Ex Libris to configure the relevant mapping for the redirect.
After Ex Libris was contacted to make the necessary configuration and a redirect was applied by the customer to redirect all previous repository portal URL requests to the Esploro Research Portal, a request to the previous repository portal is directed to the Esploro Research Portal.
The Esploro Research Portal decodes the path parameter from the redirected request (original URL).