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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    New Organizational-Unit Interface: Known Issues

    Known Issues

    1. It is not possible to delete an Organizational Unit. For now, units can be made inactive and not-visible. Delete functionality will be added in the future.
    2. The auto-complete list of Organizational Units that opens when adding an Organizational Unit to an Activity or Research Resource in the Research Information Hub is not sorted alphabetically. 
    3. Alternate names are not sorted alphabetically in the Organizational Unit manager.
    4. Organization data in Esploro Analytics is from the legacy data and does not reflect changes made to the data in November.
    5. The Organization End Point works, but on the legacy data. Changes that are made to units in November will not be reflected.
    6. It is not possible to add Local External Organizations via the Profile during Researcher Deposit and Edit Profile. It appears as if the value is added, but it can’t be selected or saved. This will be fixed in December.
    7. The Project tab is not yet available in the portal. If this tab is activated in the portal settings (Configuration menu > Portal and Profiles > Organizational Unit Tree Configuration, under Tabs), it appears whenever an organizational unit is is selected in the portal, but no projects appear in the tab. It is recommended to keep it inactive for now. 
    8. Selecting a default tab does not currently work. Regardless of the tab selected in the portal settings (Configuration menu > Portal and Profiles > Organizational Unit Tree Configuration, under Default Tab), the current default tab is Outputs
    9. When creating a new project or activity using the POST API, if the "member_organization" section contains an external organization, the server returns an error .


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