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    Intota: Adding a Public Note to a Journal Authority Record

    • Product: Intota

    How can I add a note to all instances of a title that exists in multiple databases?

    Unlike adding a note to a journal instance within a specific database, Intota also provides the option to add a public note at the journal authority record level (i.e. a note that displays for all instances of the journal, wherever they exist throughout your collection).

    To add a public note at the journal authority record level:
    1. Use the Intota search box at the top right of Intota to find the journal.
    2. Click on the journal to go to the Title Details page and click Edit on the right side of the screen.
    3. Use the Public Holding Note field (in the Title Details section of the page) to add your note.
      NOTE: You can add HTML tags to public notes, including hyperlinks and image tags.
    1. Select ON for Display this note to make your note visible to users.
      NOTE: OFF is selected by default.
    2. Click Save.

    • Date Created: 23-Mar-2016
    • Last Edited Date: 23-Mar-2016
    • Old Article Number: 13706
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