Configure citation material types to harmonise with CDI resource types
Created By: Peta Hopkins
Created on: 8/25/2020
After switching to Central Discovery Index, Leganto sites may wish to review their configuration of citation material types and the mapping between Primo and Leganto to ensure that users are not confused by the different terminology when working between Primo and Leganto.
The following is a summary of what we have done at Bond University.
Documentation for reference:
*I cannot find documentation on the Primo to Leganto resource type mapping table. Will happily update this if someone can find it.
- Consistency of terminology
- Archival material/manuscript is a merge of two types. Since we had no citations with material type “Manuscript” and 10 with “Archive” we:
- Disabled Manuscript in Citation Material Type table
- Relabelled Archive à Archival material / Manuscript
- In Primo to Leganto material type mapping Mapped Primo archival_material_manuscript to Leganto Archival Material / Manuscript
- Deprecated PC Resource Types to review in Citation Material types in Fulfillment configuration
- Statistical Data Set - CDI has a single resource type of dataset. Leganto has Statistical Data Set & Research dataset. Since we had no citations using Research dataset:
- disabled Research dataset from use in Leganto
- relabelled Statistical Data Set as Dataset in the Citation Material Type table
- In Primo to Leganto material type mapping Mapped Primo dataset to Leganto Dataset
- Research Data Set (See above)
- Technical Report - CDI uses report (We had already changed the label in Leganto some time back)
- Web Site – This one is still appearing for local Alma records in Primo VE due to the MARC21 to Primo VE mapping. A workaround has been suggested using local resource types, but this is an OOTB mapping for Primo VE and we believe it should be addressed by a fix to make them map to Web Resources. (along with some other resource types for local records)
- Statistical Data Set - CDI has a single resource type of dataset. Leganto has Statistical Data Set & Research dataset. Since we had no citations using Research dataset:
- Archival material/manuscript is a merge of two types. Since we had no citations with material type “Manuscript” and 10 with “Archive” we:
- Primo to Leganto Resource Type mapping table does not include all the new CDI resource types
- Notwithstanding the September Leganto release which mentions that web_resource, report, and dataset are being added to the table the following additional types are not in the table.
- standard
- market_research
- microform
- archival_material_manuscript
- We have added these to the table manually ahead of the September release
- standard to Standard
- market_research to Report (or if you want complete one-to-one between Primo and Leganto then choose an unused Leganto material type and rename to “market research”.
- Microform to Other because the actual type of resource that has been microformed varies significantly (books, charts, journals etc)
- archival_material_manuscript to either Archive or Manuscript (and relabelled as needed) depending on your citations
- Notwithstanding the September Leganto release which mentions that web_resource, report, and dataset are being added to the table the following additional types are not in the table.
- CiteIt - did not work in Primo VE for these missing resource types in the Primo to Leganto Resource Type Mapping table - we just got the loading diamonds.