Leganto Release Notes July 2017
New and Changed Leganto Features
The following features are new or changed in this month's release of Leganto.
Lock / Unlock Reading List
Any reading list owner (or librarian) can lock a reading list. A locked list cannot be edited by anyone, except for a librarian or list owner (in Leganto). All options for editing the list disappear from the Leganto action menus, and items cannot be rearranged. The following actions can be performed on a locked list:
- Add or edit the private note to a citation
- Like or mark a citation as read
- Add a comment to the citation
- Copy the citation to My Collection
- Export or print the reading list, section, or citation
- Copy the permalink of the reading list, section, or citation
- Unlock the list - Only the person who locked the list (not the other owners) or a librarian can unlock the list.
To lock the list, select Lock in the reading list menu and click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Lock Reading List
After locking the list, the option Unlock is available to the user who locked the list (and any librarian). Also see the change in Alma for this feature.
Enhancements to the Find Lists Page
In a simple search on the Find Lists page, you can search by list tile, course title, course code, and/or course instructors. You can now click Advanced Search to enter values for each of these search criteria individually.

Find Lists - Advanced Search
After searching for an item on the Find Lists page, you can now sort the results by list name (alphabetic with active courses first), list name (alphabetic), or academic year (by term, alphabetic within term).

Find Lists - Sort
Other Formats and Editions (Leganto)
In addition to related items, when enabled by the library you can now view other (electronic) formats and/or other (physical) editions of the current citation in the right panel on the citation page.

Other Formats & Editions Pane
Select a suggestion and click Add to Citation to add the information to the existing citation as alternate edition/version or click Add to List to add the suggestion as a new citation in the current section of the reading list.
Additional Leganto Features
The following additional changes were made in this month's release:
- Eoffprint was added as a citation type.
- When a citation is already waiting for a SIPX license or the SIPX license was declined, the option License through SIPX is now disabled.
- The logo was added to the Cite It! pane. Logo in Cite It! Pane
- The field Additional Person Name is now available when adding/editing a citation. For a book chapter, the field is at the top of the dialog box. For other types, the field is in More item details. Additional Person Name in Cite It! Pane
- The headers on the Notifications tab were expanded to be clearer. For example, Item added to list was changed to A new item was added to a list.
- Clicking View Links for an electronic citation in the reading list page opens the citation page. Note that Links & Availability is the first section under the citation header information (this did not change). View Links in Reading ListLinks & Availability Section in Citation
New Alma Configurations
The following features were added to Alma to support Leganto features in this release.
For additional Leganto-related Alma changes in this release, see Fulfillment - July 2017 Enhancements.
Other Formats and Editions (Alma)
You can enable the display of alternate (physical) editions and/or alternate (electronic) formats of a citation. When enabled, the suggested alternatives appear in Leganto, and ability to view them appears in Alma on the Edit Citations and Edit Reading List pages (see Managing Citations).
For more information, see Configuring the Display of Other Formats and Editions of Citations.
Additional Alma Configurations
- When configuring LTI integration profile normalization rules, you can now select a specific LTI integration profile to which the rule applies. For more information, see Configuring LTI Profile Normalization Rules. In addition, you can now enable or disable rules.
- When a citation is already waiting for a SIPX license or the SIPX license was declined, the License through SIPX action does not appear for that citation on the Edit Reading List page.
- Leganto User (True/False) was added as an option in access rights for digital representations. When selected, access to the representation can be denied based on whether the user is a Leganto user (has logged into Leganto at least once). See Adding an Access Rights Policy.
- The check box Locked in Leganto was added to the Reading List Information tab of the Edit Reading List page. When selected, no changes can be made in Leganto. Only the user who actually locked the list (or any librarian) can unlock the list in Leganto. When locked, librarians can still change the list in Alma. For more information, see Editing a Reading List. Also see above, Lock / Unlock Reading List .
- You can now configure the maximum size of files that students and/or instructors can upload in Leganto. For more information, see Configuring File Upload in Leganto.
- You can now upload a favicon for Leganto. See Configuring Leganto Branding.
- The parameters ebook_central_secret and ebook_central_siteID were added to the Leganto Customer Setting page but are reserved for future use.
- Three appendices were added to the Leganto Administration Guide: Appendix A lists the mapping between Primo PNX fields and Leganto citation fields. Appendix B lists the MARC repository fields used to overwrite citation information (when configured to do so). Appendix C lists known issues in Leganto.
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release:
- (URM-69797) When exporting to Microsoft Word, Hebrew section names appeared with the wrong encoding. This was fixed.
- (URM-69808) A citation's status is no longer reset when it is copied from My Collection or when the reading list, section, or citation is duplicated/copied.
- (URM-71567) Leganto did not remove extraneous spaces from the course field (for example, when using the course loader integration profile), which caused problems. This was fixed.
- (URM-71912, URM-74441) Academic departments were not sorted according to the way they appeared in the code table. Also, disabled departments appeared with a zz prefix. This was fixed.
- (URM-72089) The label WATCHED LIST was removed from reading lists on the List of Reading Lists page.
- (URM-72428, URM-74138, URM-74181) Some minor grammatical and spelling errors were fixed.
- (URM-72548) In the Analytics report for student usage, some numbers changed when navigating within the report. This was fixed.
- (URM-73181) The Welcome screens were improved for accessibility purposes.
- (URM-73452) When importing an RIS file, JOUR was mapped incorrectly to Journal instead of Article. This was fixed.
- (URM-73590) When displaying long reading list titles that required two lines of text, the line spacing was not sufficient. This was fixed.
- (URM-73973) Leganto shows empty parentheses for physical citations with no call numbers. This was fixed.
- (URM-74390) The numbers for student likes and views did not match the numbers in the Leganto UI. This was fixed.
- (URM-74587) In the Manage Collaborators pane, the Cancel button was changed to Close.
- (URM-74599) The permalink in the invite collaborators email message did not use the permalink_login parameter. This was fixed.
Next Month Sneak Peek
Features scheduled for next month include:
- Add subjects (like tags) to reading lists, which can be used for filtering on the Find Lists page.
- Indication about problems with citations added in Leganto, such as no full text access or insufficient information to resolve using the OpenURL link resolver.