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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Accessibility in MetaLib User Interface

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 3

    We have just gone live with MetaLib. I'm getting questions about accessibility with screen readers, etc. Has anyone else had to deal
    with this?

    MetaLib 3.13 contains some screens that are not fully accessible when using assistive technologies such as screen readers and voice-activated applications.

    Last year, in collaboration with Metalib users, we launched a special
    project to review our accessibility compliance and create new guidelines
    for fully accessible interfaces to all our products. As a result of this
    effort our next MetaLib release, version 4.00, will include new
    developments to achieve our overall objective at Ex Libris: information
    that is accessible to as many people as possible regardless of the
    challenges that they face.

    Specifically, our MetaLib 4.00 user interface will address:

    - Accessibility - Section 508 Compliance
    - Usability - JAWS, Dragon, wide range of browsers
    - HTML, CSS Validity - HTML 4.01 Transitional, CSS 2.0
    - Simplicity - 'lighten' HTML, reduce use of JavaScript
    - Ease of Customization - reduce MetaLib's total cost of ownership (TCO)

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013