Pivot FAQs : Pivot User Funding FAQs
- Product: Pivot
Funding Opportunity FAQs
How do I add opps to my Active or Tracked list?
Once you are logged in to Pivot and run a search for funding, you can save an opportunity on the results list to your Active or Tracked list (the same opportunity cannot be on both) by clicking on the checkbox next to the opportunity you want to save and clicking the Track or Set to Active button. You can select multiple opportunities to save from the results list. You can also save directly from the funding opportunity itself.
What is in the Expired type on Active and Tracked list?
If an opportunity is no longer available and we do not anticipate it being offered again the next year, it is no longer searchable in the database. If an opportunity on your Active or Tracked lists expires, it automatically moves into the Expired list. You can view the summary information of expired opportunities in the list, but it is no longer possible to view the full funding opportunity.
How do I set up alerts for Saved Searches?
When you elect to save a search, the option to receive weekly updates on new and updated funding opportunities is selected by default. You can change your selection for each saved search from your Pivot home page in the Searches area. If the alert email option is ‘on’ you will see an envelope icon under the Email Alerts column and you can change your selection under the options list by selecting either ‘Alert email off’ or ‘Alert email on’.
How do I set up alerts for opportunities on my Active or Tracked lists?
When viewing your list of Active or Tracked opportunities, an envelope icon will appear before the options link for each funding opp for which the email alert has been enabled. To change the alert status, click on the options link and from the list select either “Alert email on” or “Alert email off”. When the alert email is enabled, you will receive an email whenever there is an update to the funding opportunity.
What is the difference between a sponsor deadline and an internal deadline?
The sponsor deadlines are set by the funding sponsor and included in their announcement. The internal deadlines are set by research administrators at your institution when researchers are required to submit material to the research office or designated recipient in advance of the sponsor’s deadline. These can be specified for any funding opportunity but are particularly useful for limited submission opportunities requiring an internal competition at an institution.
Who can see internal deadlines?
Only users who have an account affiliated with your institution or who are using Pivot from your institution’s IP range can view those internal deadlines.
How do I share a funding opportunity with a colleague?
You can share funding opportunities from many points within Pivot. You must be logged in before you can share a funding opportunity. You can share funding opportunities from your Active or Tracked lists, from the search results page, from a funding opportunity, and from a profile. Look for links to share the opp which will open a share box. You can start typing in the ‘To’ field to see a list of possible matching names, if the recipient’s name is not already populated in this field. You can type in the email of a recipient if it is not on the suggested list.
Can I share a funding opportunity with someone outside my institution?
Yes. If you share a funding opportunity (or several) with someone outside your institution and they are also a Pivot subscriber, they will receive your email and will see the shared opp in their Received list on their homepage. If the recipient is not a Pivot subscriber, they will receive the email and the link to view the funding opp(s) will be active for them for 2 weeks.
What information does Pivot use to find matching people for a funding opportunity?
We use our proprietary matching algorithm to determine a summary of the topics most highly associated with a funding opportunity and use those topics to find scholar profiles in Pivot with similar topic summaries. As profiles are added and updated, the scholars who are returned as matches for a funding opportunity will continue to change. Because the profiles are pre-populated, matches can be found from inside or outside your institution from nearly 3 million profiles.
- Article last edited: 31-Mar-2014
- Old Article Number: 9973