Alternative Coverage in CDI
With CDI it is no longer necessary to activate alternative coverage collections. In CDI all full text that you have active in Alma or SFX is automatically searchable. This applies to everything regardless of whether we have received the metadata for discovery directly from the provider of a collection that you have activated in the KnowledgeBase (KB). We ingest high quality metadata from many different sources into CDI. In cases where we do not get the data directly from the provider, those titles are mapped against the entire index, and the item-level metadata is activated for search and marked with the Full text available indicator automatically. CDI shows results from all of CDI resources, based on the customers activations in the KB. The available content is based on matching identifiers between the KB title and CDI records. This means that CDI cannot offer alternative coverage for collections that do not include identifiers on both the KB and CDI side.
KnowledgeBase collections whose titles are at least to 80% discoverable in CDI are marked with the In CDI indicator in the Alma interface/SFX KBManager regardless of whether the metadata was received directly from the same provider or an alternative data source. The CDI collection list includes the Provider Coverage field to indicate whether the CDI content is either from the provider or from alternative coverage.