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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Availability status for online only item also reports physical copies

    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 4

    Problem Symptoms

    • Physical availability is present for items that are ONLY available online: "Online access. The library also has physical copies."
    • Calculated Availability Text mapping table has row: || The library also has physical copies.


    Primo assigns an alsophysical status and displays the message "Online access. The library also has physical copies" for online only records if holding records are created for online resources.


    1. Establish how online resources can be differentiated based on the information in the holding records for online resources.
    2. Create a Normalization Rule that uses this information to add the code $$9ONLINE to the <display:avallibrary> fields of any record that only has holdings for online resources.
    3. Save and Deploy the new Normalization Rule configuration.
    4. Renormalize the records.
    5. Run an indexing process to see the change in the Front End search results.
    6. Contact Primo Support with any questions or issues.

    Additional Information

    For documentation of the $$9ONLINE code functionality, consult the Primo Technical Guide : Appendixes : Mapping to the Normalized Record : Adding $$9ONLINE to Library Level Availability

    • Article last edited: 10-Sept-2014