Full item display missing content for entries found via call number browse search
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: 4.4
Problem Symptoms:
*Full item displays fine with title/author/subject browse search
*Full item display missing content for entries found via call number browse search
*No error message found in the FE log
The call number browse search uses display.do functions to display full item information.
Call number browse search entries open full items from the default_tab.
If the items are not in the first scope that is included in the default_tab, call number browse search entries fail to display the full item.
1) Go to Primo Back Office
2) Open the view wizard
3) Add the local collections (items indexed for call number browse search) in the default_tab
4) If there are multiple scopes defined in the default_tab, the local collections (items indexed for call number browse search) must be the first option in the scope list.
5) Save and deploy the change.
Additional Information
The title/author/subject browse search uses dlSearch.do to display full item information, and it doesn't use default_tab by default.
Category: Primo - Browse
Subject: Browse
- Article last edited: 8/5/2014