How to create clickable link in Primo VE? (hypertext link)
- Product: Primo VE
- Product Version: November 2021
How can I make a clickable link in Primo VE through Normalization Rules (hyperlink text)?
How to add a clickable link in Primo VE Full Display - Details?
To create a link that leads to an external URL do the following:
The clickable link is stored as an HTML element.
"<a href={{URL Address}} target=_blank> {{Target Display Name}} </a>"
Add a clickable link in Primo VE using Normalization Rules.
- Go to Configuration Menu > Discovery > Display Configuration > Manage display and local fields
- Add or Edit a display field
- Edit the MARC21 normalization rule for display.
In this example, the hypertext link is created from the information stored in the MARC 505 field and displayed in the contents display field:
rule "Primo VE – Contents 505"
MARC."505" has any "u, y"
set TEMP"1" to MARC."505" subfields "u"
set TEMP"2" to MARC."505" subfields "y"
add suffix (TEMP"2","</a>")
add prefix (TEMP"1","<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"")
add suffix (TEMP"1","\">")
concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"2","")
set pnx."display"."contents" to TEMP"1"
- Article last edited: 08-Nov-2021