How to translate local facet codes
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Multi-Tenant, Local
Desired Outcome Goal:
· How to translate the names of facet codes in the FE (in Facets to display)
1. If you go to the PNX and search for the code, you see that the code comes from the file facet/lfc01.
2. In order to translate the data of lfc01, you have to create a code table with the following name:
The relevant code is: default.facets.facet.facet_local1.<<code from pnx>>
How to add the table:
1. Go to the BO general configuration mapping table, to the Static Facets mapping table.
2. Add the Local Field1 to the table and save*
3. Go to the newly created Mapping table: facet_local1_values and add re relevant codes and values
4. Click on Sync for the table
5. A new mapping table named with the facet codes is now created.
* NOTE: When defining facets as static (as done in #2), any new facet value should be added to the values Mapping Table (for example 'facet_local1_values'), otherwise the facet value won't appear in Primo Front End.
Additional Information
If you don't want the facet to be a static facet, at the end of the process remove the Local Field1 from the 'Static Facets' mapping table.
Category: Front End
Subject: Facets
- Article last edited: 19/Jan/2017