Accessibility for Primo VE
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All library patrons, regardless of ability, need access to scholarly information. Clarivate is committed to providing all our users in academia and government with a fully accessible experience for research, teaching, and learning.
We make every effort to ensure that our platforms – including the Primo discovery service for libraries – can be used by everyone. Primo is continually designed and developed to meet Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act for features and functions.
Accessibility Features and Gaps
Primo users can:
Navigate most of the website using just a keyboard.
Go directly to main content areas on the page using skip links.
Listen to most of the website using a screen reader.
Navigate most of the website using speech recognition software.
Navigate page content using headings.
Adjust color contrast in browser settings. Primo style guides specify using colors that meet minimum contrast specifications.
Zoom in up to 200% using browser tools without text spilling off screen.
Use most of the website with devices of different screen sizes and orientations without loss of content or functionality.
There may be some parts of this website that are not fully accessible:
A small number of features are challenging to navigate using only the keyboard. Not all links or controls provide enough information to screen readers to understand their purpose out of context, and some notifications may not be read out to the user automatically.
At magnifications higher than 200%, some content may spill off the screen or overlap.
In some cases, Primo will not be able to identify the language of text correctly while reading a record's elements (such as title, abstract, and so forth).
If you have a disability and need to make your computer, tablet, or another device easier to use, AbilityNet is a recommended resource. We also recommend browsing free add-ons offered for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Technical Information About This Site’s Accessibility
Primo is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with:
Level A and Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1)
Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act for features and functions
EU Directive on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies 2016
UK Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018
Compliance Level and Report
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.1 at levels A and AA. For more details, see the full Accessibility Compliance Report (VPAT 2.4 and WCAG 2.1).
As part of our continuous effort to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (Level A and AA), we have resolved or are planning to resolve issues identified because of customer feedback and external auditing. The status of these issues is listed in our latest Accessibility Status Report.
Platform Accessibility
The user interface of the Primo Platform is designed to be accessible and operable with multiple input mechanisms, including keyboards, screen readers, and voice control technologies. This is enabled by comprehensive labeling of form elements and icons, and features like headings that are used to make the platform easier to navigate with assistive technologies. For example, the titles of all search results are heading level 3 elements, which makes it possible to quickly navigate the results list with a screen reader.
Skipping repetitive page content via skip links is also possible on every page. Skip links allow you to bypass persistent header links and jump directly to a particular section of the page. For example, on the results page, there are skip links at the top of the page that let you jump directly to the main menu, search box, results and facets. The Primo platform is built to be responsive, meaning that regardless of the device you are using or the zoom level set in your browser, interface elements and content will reflow. This means that text will be legible, controls will be usable, and content will not require scrolling in multiple directions.
While most text throughout Primo meets minimum color contrast standards, there are some cases where text and icons do not yet have enough contrast with the background color.
If color contrast is a concern for you, we recommend utilizing one of the free browser plugins that can increase text/background color contrast, such as the High Contrast extension for Google Chrome.
Accessibility Testing
The accessibility of Primo is a continual effort at ProQuest. Accessibility standards are built into our design and style guides, and included as part of requirements in our software development and quality assurance pipeline. Primo code is checked for accessibility using a range of automated and manual checks including but not limited to:
Deque axe accessibility testing tools
High Contrast Chrome extension
Keyboard-access manual testing and assessment
JAWS screen reader
Primo is tested on the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Edge, and on devices including Mac and Windows computers, and Android and iOS devices.
What We Are Doing to Improve Accessibility at Clarivate
Making content accessible is an ongoing effort at Clarivate. We are committed to working with the community to ensure we continue to meet our customers’ needs. A list of our ongoing efforts include:
The Clarivate Accessibility Council: a team of stakeholders working to increase accessibility resources and capabilities
Building relationships with colleges, universities, publishers and digital accessibility organizations to help make our educational solutions as accessible as they can be.
Foster an accessibility culture within the business by funding courses and certification for employees e.g. Deque University courses, IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) CPACC and WAS qualifications.
Consulting with accessibility experts such as Deque to audit and review our products.
Accessibility is embedded in our development process. Our acceptance of new features and functionality requires compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA
Support and Feedback
If you have difficulty accessing specific ProQuest content or features with adaptive technology after trying the workarounds suggested in this statement, you can contact us using the links provided below. Our support services will respond within three days and are available to accommodate the communication needs of end-users with disabilities. We will work with you to identify the best option for remediation, subject to content licensing restrictions and technical capability.
Current customers: submit questions or issues by opening a case using the Support Portal.
Prospective customers: contact
Preparation of This Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement was prepared in March 2023.
The application was last tested in January 2023. The test was carried out externally by Deque Systems Inc.
In coordination with Deque, Clarivate will run a new accessibility assessment during the year. The results of this review and the fixes that will be done accordingly will be included in the new VPAT planned in H2 of 2024.