Configuring Export to RIS and BibTex Encodings
The Export RIS and BibTex Encodings mapping table configures the supported encoding options when exporting records to RIS and BibTex.
Export RIS and BibTex Encodings Mapping Table
If all options are inactive, the default encoding is UTF-8 and users will not have the option to select an encoding format during exports to RIS and BibTex.
To configure the supported encoding options:
Open the Export RIS and BibTex Encodings mapping table (Configuration > Discovery > Other > Export RIS and BibTex Encodings).
If you want to support an encoding option (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII, and windows-1251), enable it in the table. By default, all formats are enabled and are selectable when performing exports:
Encoding Drop-Down Selector in UI for RIS and BibTex -
Select Save or Customize (initial configuration only) to save your changes to the table.