The following code enables you to customize and translate the display labels for the CDI attribute:
<institution>.attribute.review_article – Review Article
<institution>.attribute.review_article_tooltip – A review article presents the current state of the research on a particular topic or research area via the review of primary research on that specific topic
<institution>.attribute.primary_source – Primary Source
<institution>.attribute.primary_source_tooltip – A primary source provides first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. It contains the actual textual material that is the subject of research
<institution>.attribute.preprint – Preprint
<institution>.attribute.preprint_tooltip – A preprint is a preliminary version of a scientific manuscript that researchers share by posting to preprint servers before peer-review and publication in an academic journal
<institution>.attribute.retracted_publication – Retracted Publication
<institution>.attribute.retracted_publication_tooltip – A retracted Publication is a published paper in an academic journal that is removed from the journal because the publication contains flawed or erroneous data
<institution>.attribute.withdrawn_publication – Withdrawn Publication
<institution>.attribute.withdrawn_publication_tooltip – A withdrawn publication is a paper in an academic journal that is removed from the journal before the article is published (before or after peer review, during peer review or just before publication)
<institution>.attribute.retraction_notice – Retraction Notice
<institution>.attribute.retraction_notice_tooltip – A retraction notice accompanies the retraction of a scientific publication. It is a short article written by the editors or authors explaining the reason for the retraction
<institution>.attribute.withdrawal_notice – Withdrawal Notice
attribute.withdrawal_notice_tooltip – A withdrawal notice accompanies the withdrawal of a scientific publication. It is a short article written by the editors or authors explaining the reason for the withdrawal
<institution>.attribute.publication_exp_concern – Publication with Expression of Concern
<institution>.attribute.publication_exp_concern_tooltip – An editorial expression of concern is a notice issued by a publisher against a particular publication, warning that it may contain errors or be otherwise untrustworthy, without itself constituting a retraction or correction
<institution>.attribute.publication_addendum – Publication with Addendum
<institution>.attribute.publication_addendum_tooltip – A publication that contains an addendum, a notification of an addition of information to an article
<institution>.attribute.publication_corrigendum – Publication with Corrigendum
<institution>.attribute.publication_corrigendum_tooltip – A publication with a correction notice or corrigendum, a change to the article that the author wishes to publish at any time after the article acceptance or publication, usually to correct an error