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    How to include electronic collections from a network zone level

    • Product: RapidILL
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare

    If you have electronic collections managed by your network zone, you can easily include them in your RapidILL holdings.

    Create the sets in the network zone using similar logic to what you would use in your institution zone as covered in Section 2 of our OAI documentation (with a link).

    Similar to how you created other sets, a separate set needs to be made for each combination of holding type and lendable status. As only electronic collections are held at the network level, you should have a maximum of 6 sets:

    1. Rapid Books electronic LendableInternational
    2. Rapid Books electronic LendableCountry
    3. Rapid Books electronic LocalOnly
    4. Rapid Journals electronic LendableInternational
    5. Rapid Journals electronic LendableCountry
    6. Rapid Journals electronic LocalOnly

    If you do not have holdings that fit one of the above sets, a set does not need to be created.

    Likely you will only have access to part of the electronic collections held at the network zone level. To ensure that you are only sending holdings you have access to, include an additional condition to your sets “Available for group” contains [your institution].

    Books electronic LendableInternational

    Electronic Titles where
    (Has inventory equals "Yes"
    AND Material Type equals "Book"
    AND Tag Suppressed (Title) equals "No"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"

    AND Available for group contains [your institution]
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LendableInternational")

    Books electronic LendableCountry

    Electronic Titles where
    (Has inventory equals "Yes"
    AND Material Type equals "Book"
    AND Tag Suppressed (Title) equals "No"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"

    AND Available for group contains [your institution]
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LendableCountry")

    Books electronic LocalOnly

    Electronic Titles where
    (Has inventory equals "Yes"
    AND Material Type equals "Book"
    AND Tag Suppressed (Title) equals "No"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"

    AND Available for group contains [your institution]
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LocalOnly")

    Journals electronic Lendable International

    Electronic Titles where
    Material Type equals "Journal"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"

    AND Available for group contains [your institution]
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LendableInternational")

    Journals electronic Lendable Country

    Electronic Titles where
    Material Type equals "Journal"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LendableCountry")

    Journals electronic LocalOnly

    Electronic Titles where
    Material Type equals "Journal"
    AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals "Available"

    AND Available for group contains [your institution]
    AND Internal Description (electronic collection) contains keywords "LocalOnly")

    After your sets have been made, create and run publishing profiles for each set just as you would for a set at the institution level. See our main article on Alma Holdings Harvest for RapidILL for more information.

    When you have finished, please let the Rapid team know by creating a ticket. Be sure to include the set specs (as found in the publishing profile), and the base URL (as found in the integration profile). Please indicate that these collections are at the network zone level and should be in addition and not instead of your institution zone sets. 


    • Article last edited: 07-Jun-2022
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