Email ListServ
To subscribe to the Rapid listserv, select Subscribe to ListServ from the Settings drop-down menu at the top of the Rapid page.

Subscribe to ListServ
The RapidILL listserv plays an important role for Rapid community. The listserv is the primary way information on RapidILL is shared. Announcements regarding new enhancements and, on rare occasions, announcements about upcoming system downtime or issues are posted to the Rapid listservs. In addition, the listservs provide an easily accessible forum for you to discuss ideas or post questions to the other Rapid libraries in the Rapid community.
Every ILL staff member in your organization should subscribe to the Rapid listserv. Details on subscribing to the listserv are found on the listserv page.

Listserv Page
To post to the Rapid listserv once you are subscribed, send an email message to