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    Rapido Sets

    • Fulfillment Administrators
    • Service Managers
    • Fulfillment Service Operators

    Fulfillment Administrators/Service Managers can edit or delete any set (including public sets). Fulfillment Service Operators can only edit or delete sets they have created.

    All borrowing and lending requests are accessed through the Resource Sharing Requests resource_sharing_requests.png.

    The Rapdio resource sharing borrowing sets requests. The Rapdio resource sharing lending sets requests.
    Borrowing Requests
    Lending Requests

    For more information, see Rapido Sets and Advanced Sets.


    Use facets to filter the request list to help manage your daily workflow.
    When faceting multiple fields, all results are displayed. For example, when faceting by Labels and Creation Date.
    When faceting multiple values for the same field, fields with results for at least one criterion are displayed. For example, when faceting by multiple Status types. 
    Borrowing Facets Lending Facets
    • Labels
    • Activity Status
    • Status
    • Lending Library
    • Pod
    • Creation Date
      • Today
      • Yesterday
      • 4-7 days ago
      • 8-30 days ago
      • Older
    • Update Date
      • Today
      • Yesterday
      • 4-7 days ago
      • 8-30 days ago
      • Older
    • Requested Format
    • Supplied Format
    • Due Date
    • Last Interest Date
    • Need Patron Information
    • General Messages
    • Owning Library
    • Notes From Partner
    • Pickup Location
    • Level of Service
    • User Group
    • Request Created From Blank Form
    • Rapido Indicator
    • Assignee
    • Rapid Partner
    • Labels
    • Rapido Indicator
    • Borrowing Library
    • Pod
    • Activity Status
    • Status
      • Creation Date
      • Today
      • Yesterday
      • 4-7 days ago
      • 8-30 days ago
      • Older
    • Update Date
      • Creation Date
      • Today
      • Yesterday
      • 4-7 days ago
      • 8-30 days ago
      • Older
    • Request Reported (Requests that
      are printed on the print slip report)
    • Requested Format
    • Supplied Format
    • Due Date
    • Notes From Partner
    • Last Interest Date
    • Owning Library
    • Alerts
    • Invoice Printed
    • Assignee
    • Expiration Date
      • In the Past
      • Today
      • Tomorrow
      • 2-3 days from now
      • 4-7 days now
      • More than 8 days
    • Inventory Type
      • Electronic
      • Digital
    • Rapid Partner

    Select facets to filter the request list according to specific criteria. Select multiple checkboxes to filter the list by several criteria at one time.


    Refine search criteria

    To ease the finding of a particular facet, facets can searched by entering your search text in the Find specific facet search box.

    The option to search facets.
    Search facets

    Facet sections or specific options within a facet can be excluded by selecting the The exclude icon. icon and applying the selection.

    The Date cannot be excluded.


    The option to exclude a facet.

    Exclude facet

    An excluded facet.

    An excluded facet

    Customize Facets

    Facets can be customized by selecting the settings icon clipboard_efc37af905091e2db44d59332c5e70aaf.png.

    The settings customization option.

    Customization settings

    Select Facets Customization.

    The Facets Customization option.

    Facets Customization

    Check or uncheck the facets to include/exclude from the facets list and select Apply. The selected facets are displayed/hidden from the Facets list.

    Customize the facets list.

    Apply Facets Customization

    Creating Sets

    Rapido includes out-of-the-box sets and enables you to create your own.

    To enable out-of-the-box sets, see Managing Sets. You can modify or delete out-of-the-box sets.

    Out-of-the-box sets include:

      Borrowing Lending
    • Awaiting Copyright Clearance
    • Awaiting Patron Information
    • Awaiting Request Mediation
    • Requests Waiting To Be Handled
    • In Process By Branch Library
    In Process
    • Awaiting Pickup By Patron
    • Article Requests - Bad Citation
    • Physical Requests Not Yet Received
    • RapidILL Requests Over 24 Hours
    • Item Shipped And Not Received
    • Canceled
    • Completed
    • Rejected / Expired Requests
    • Canceled
    • Completed
    • Rejected / Expired Requests

    Rapido sets can be created based on the Rapido facets.

    To create a new set:
    1. Select the relevant facet and click Save as a new set.
    2. Enter the Set Name.
    3. Select the Group under which the set should be included (New, In Process, or Closed).
    4. Private sets are only viewable by the user who created the set. Public sets (Private is set to No) are viewable by all users.
    5. Public sets also have the option to force users to use a set when selecting Permanently Active for All Users.

    Only fulfillment administrators and managers can create and delete public sets.

    Each task list requires at least one request before you can create a set.

    The New Sets form.

    New Sets

    Creating Sets Based on Undefined Criteria

    To enable you to create sets based on criteria for requests that are not yet defined, Rapido includes an Include Zero Values toggle button. When enabled, facets with zero value are displayed. Select the relevant facets with zero values to create sets for future use.

    Include Zero Values does not apply to certain facets such as labels for notes on requests or mediation, borrowing/lending libraries, dates, notes, etc.


    Include Zero Values toggle button

    Managing Sets

    Select the Manage Sets Settings_Icon.png icon to manage Borrowing and Lending Rapido sets.



    Use the Manage Sets window to enable/disable, delete, and group your sets.

    Enable/disable any set to include/exclude them from the New, In Process, or Closed groups.

    Select Edit.png to edit the Name, Description, Group, or Private settings.

    Select dragNdrop.png to drag and drop the sets to rearrange their order or to move them to other groups.


    Manage Sets
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