Common Reject Reasons
Rejection Message | Reason |
At bindery | Title is owned but the requested item is at the bindery. |
Charges | The responder's charges for the provision of the requested service. |
Cost exceeds limit | Responder indication that the minimum cost to supply the request is greater than the amount authorized. |
Expiry not supported | Lender does not support processing requests for which an expiry date is specified. |
In process | Item has been received but is not yet ready for use. |
In use on loan | Requested item is currently in use by local patron or on loan to another borrower. |
Lacking | The title is owned but not the component part of pages requested. |
Lacks copyright compliance | Compliance with applicable copyright regulations or laws must be indicated before copying can be done. |
Locations not found | No potential lender has been identified. |
Lost | Requested item has been declared lost. |
Mandatory messaging not supported | Lender does not provide/support ISO mandatory messaging. |
Non circulating | Requested item is not available to loan. |
Not found as cited | Item cannot be located using item identification information provided in the ILL request. |
Not on shelf | Requested item is available in lender's collection and is not currently charged out, but is currently unavailable. |
Not owned | Requested item is not in lender's collection. |
On hold | An outstanding hold is currently placed on the requested item by another borrower. |
On order | Requested item is not currently available, but item is on order by lender. |
On reserve | Requested item owned by lender, but is restricted to local use. |
Other | Other reasons/conditions/requirements not supported by ISO standard responses. |
Policy problem | Lender does not have policy in place to govern/support fulfillment of the ILL request. |
Poor condition | Degraded physical condition of requested item prohibits interlibrary loan or reproduction. |
Preferred delivery time not possible | Requested item cannot be delivered by deadline specified in ILL request. |
Prepayment required | Pre-Payment is required prior to lending the item. |
Requested delivery services not supported | Lender does not support delivery of items utilizing requested delivery service. |
Volume issue not yet available | This volume or issue is not yet available for loan. |