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Return to Rapido Roadmap Highlights Overview

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Analytics Roadmap

2023 H2 2024 H1 2024 H2
  • New fulfillment reports
  • New cancellation reason reports
  • New user group reports
  • Overview-Out of the Box Insight Dashboard
  • New analytics fields connected to new self registration functionalities
  • New analytics fields connected to new partner cost functionalities
  • add fields relevant to Rialto integration
  • add fields relevant to eBook resource sharing
  • add field lending fulfilled requests
  • New borrowing  and lending visualizations

2023 H2:

Lending cancellation reasons report

What’s New Highlights Impact
Lending cancellation reasons report
Account for why requests had to be cancelled
Analytics provide information to build understanding and inform library decisions. Lending cancellation reasons reports are useful in understanding what contributes to cancelled requests.

Borrowing by User Group

What’s New Highlights Impact
user groups placing borrowing requests report
Analyze borrowing by user group
Analytics provides information to build understanding and inform library decisions. A new report will give libraries information about borrowing volumes per library user group.

Borrowing Cancellations and Reasons

What’s New Highlights Impact
Borrowing Cancellations and Reasons report
Analyze reasons and counts per reason of patron cancelled requests.
Analytics provides information to build understanding and inform library decisions. Borrowing Cancellations and Reasons will give libraries insight as to why patrons place the requests.

Borrowing Filled and Unfilled 

What’s New Highlights Impact

Borrowing Filled and unfilled report

Analyze borrowing fill rates via this report.

Analytics provide information to build understanding and inform library decisions. Borrowing filled and unfilled reports give libraries insight into request fulfillment for their library users. 

Resource Sharing Lending Requests Fulfilled and Unfulfilled

What’s New Highlights Impact
Lending Requests Filled and Unfilled Report Analyze lending filled and unfilled request numbers. Analytics provide information to build understanding and inform library decisions. Lending filled and unfilled reports gives libraries insight into request fulfillment that they provide for the resource sharing community.

2024 H1:

Rapido Overview Insights Dashboard

What’s New Highlights Impact
An out-of-the-box insight* dashboard  providing an overview of Rapido activity
*Insight Dashboards are built with Oracle Data Visualization.
Out of the Box Data Visualization Project.
Information such as fulfilled borrowing requests, average arrival time and more will be offered in a Data Visualization format
This Data Visualization can be configured as an Alma homepage and will be available to relevant roles as an Out-of-the-box DV.
Allowing librarians and administrators working with Rapido an overview of their activity providing more information and  transparency;

Partner Cost Functionality Fields

What’s New Highlights Impact
With partner costs functionality, libraries can assign cost information to their partners which applies to corresponding requests. The new fields will be available in analytics.
Use fields that are a part of this functionality within Rapido analytics.
Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to make reports with parameters that are important to the partner cost functionality.

Self Registration Functionality Fields

What’s New Highlights Impact
With self registration functionality, libraries can allow partners and users to register for resource sharing services.

Use fields that are a part of this functionality within Rapido analytics.


See release notes

Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to make reports with parameters that are important to the self registered users and partners.

2024 H2: 

Rialto Integration Fields

What’s New Highlights Impact
New fields for reporting on requests that have used the Rialto integration.  Rapido and Rialto integration makes a seamless workflow. Use the new values to report and measure on requests in this workflow.  Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to make reports with parameters that are important to the Rialto workflow. 


EBook Resource Sharing Field

What’s New Highlights Impact
Ebook resource sharing in Rapido! New field for reporting on the new ebook resource sharing functionality.  Rapido libraries will be able to borrow and lend entire ebooks with their pod partners. Libraries will also be able to run reports or filter on this parameter.  Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to make reports with parameters that are important to the ebook resource sharing workflows. 


Borrowing Pod Based Visualizations

What’s New Highlights Impact
The new visualizations include graphs showing turnaround time averages per pod and counts as well as percentages of requests filled by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and beyond partners. 

Rapido libraries will be able to use these visualizations as a part of their analysis, review, and reporting on important measures at their library. 


See analytics documentation.

Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to view the turnaround times as averages (also visible in other reports). Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to view how many of their filled borrowing requests  are filled by the first partner, second partner, third partner, or beyond.


Lending Pod Based Visualizations

What’s New Highlights Impact
The new visualizations include visuals for turnaround time, fill rate, and proportion of lending volume per pod.  Rapido libraries will be able to use these visualizations as a part of their analysis, review, and reporting on important measures at their library.  Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to view the turnaround times as averages (also visible in other reports). Allows librarians and administrators working with Rapido to view their fill rate performance per pod. Allows libraries to view how much of their lending volume occurs per pod. 
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