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Return to Rapido Roadmap Highlights Overview

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Connect Roadmap

2024 H2 2025 H1 2025 H2
  • ALA form form visibility
  • Self Registration of Users
  • Hybrid pods 
  • Rapido for a variety of management systems
  • Self registration of borrowing partner
  • Cloud App Integrations
  • Ebook resource sharing
  • Rapido for a variety of management systems 
  • Peer to peer connections with OCLC partners
  • Docline Integration

2023 H2

ALA form visibility in requests to ALA partners

What’s New Highlights Impact
ALA form visible to staff

ALA form visibility as request attachment

Rapido is a connected part of the resource sharing ecosystem. Rapido libraries can connect with libraries that operate or accept ALA forms for resource sharing. The staff can now view the form that was automatically populated from the request and sent to their ALA partners.

Hybrid Pods Containing Rapido and Alma

What’s New Highlights Impact
A hybrid pod is a pod that contains libraries performing resource sharing using Alma with Rapido libraries.

Easily connect with Alma resource sharing partners.  Creation of partners is automated for Rapido libraries.

Joining pods is now the same easy setup that Rapido libraries are used to with any other pod. This supports and simplifies  building connections with community partners.

Self Registration of Partners

What’s New Highlights Impact
Self registration of library partners.

Registration of new borrowing only partners, create a patron record.

Enables Rapido libraries to function as net lenders to individuals and organizations regardless of or in lack of a resource sharing solution.

2024 H1

Self Registration for Partners 

What’s New Highlights Impact
Allow partner libraries or organizations to register as borrowing organizations.

Lend to partners who may lack a resource sharing solution or means to connect. Self registered partners will exist at partner records to allow for consistent sets, workflows, and analytics as any other partner type.

Allows net lenders and other lenders to provide materials via resource sharing services and workflows to  libraries or other partner organizations who register as a borrowing partner.

Rapido Lending APIs

What’s New Highlights Impact
New APIs for Rapido lending.
Dedicated Rapido lending APIs that search, retrieve, and update requests. 
Utilize new APIs to connect systems such as invoicing systems. 


Article Galaxy, Reprints Desk, Cloud App Enhancement

What’s New Highlights Impact
Use cloud app to fulfill requests when the price is unknown.

Submit any article for fulfillment via the cloud app integration with Article Galaxy.

Rapido 2024 Release Notes

Use the cloud app to fulfill article requests regardless of known price availability. All via a consistent, familiar, and seamless workflow to have articles delivered automatically to end users.

2024 H2

Ebook  resource sharing

What’s New Highlights Impact
Rapido libraries will be able to join a pod for ebook resource sharing. Resource sharing for ebooks.
Ebooks are a growing part of library collections and sharing these resources greatly improves access to content, supports sustainability by cutting shipping, and expedites delivery to provide optimal user experience. 

Rapido for a variety of library management systems

What’s New Highlights Impact
Rapido is currently available for libraries using Alma, it  will be available for libraries using other library management systems.
Rapido as an option for more management systems is to be expected after Alma, Folio, and Sierra.
Expands the Rapido community. By making Rapido available to libraries without Alma, it expands the capacity beyond the more than 2,000 Alma libraries, to welcome more libraries around the world to Rapido. This means the discovery to request experience, automated request handling, and use of pods for partner management becomes available to many more libraries. Growing the Rapido community builds the collective collection.

Peer to peer connections with OCLC Partners

What’s New Highlights Impact
Connect peer to peer with partners using WorldShare and Tipasa
Resource sharing with more partners.
Rapido is a part of the resource sharing ecosystem. Rapido libraries connect peer to peer with partners across resource sharing solutions.



Docline Integration

What’s New Highlights Impact
Connect with Docline
Resource sharing with more partners.
Rapido is a part of the resource sharing ecosystem. Rapido libraries connect with partners across resource sharing solutions.
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