Editing the DOI field to create a working link
For RefWorks users who depend on the DOI field, administrators and users can now modify existing citation styles to present a working, clickable hyperlink to the cited item.
To edit a citation style to provide the working link: access the citation style, assign a new unique name, and save as a copy.
If you are working with an edited or custom style, you will only have to edit the copy you have already been using.
Access the reference type of the citation definition in the style editor and load the DOI panel. This can be completed for any citation type, but the Journal Article is the most common reference type where this will apply.
Add the custom URL to be the base of the DOI’s hyperlink making sure to provide any punctuation or spacing that may need to precede the link. For example, adding a period and a space prior to the custom information will ensure proper spacing.
Once the reference type DOI field in the chosen style is edited and saved, the information displayed by RefWorks will be a clickable, working link to the citation.