Welcome to RefWorks®
Welcome to the RefWorks Customer Knowledge Center, where you will find the most up-to-date information and resources for RefWorks including: user guides, training, and more.
What is RefWorks?
RefWorks is a powerful, cloud-based reference management service that provides librarians with the resources needed to maximize research productivity and simplify the research workflow for their users. From data collection, organization, collaboration, and publishing, RefWorks is an intuitive solution that simplifies the research process and helps institutions maximize research productivity. Students and researchers are equipped with the latest reference management tools that meet their needs, and libraries are provided with a secure platform where they can support users and disseminate institutional practices and guidelines.
With a consistent user interface across platforms and intuitive design, RefWorks is easy to use, teach, and learn for all user levels and research needs. Researchers can easily find, access, and capture research materials from virtually any source, manage all data in multiple formats, collaborate on projects, and access their work from anywhere. Librarians can maintain control with customized user accounts, manage copyright compliance of full-text sharing, provide institutional styles to drive consistency and measure usage across the institution with sophisticated analytics and reporting tools.
- Product Documentation
- Latest documentation, best practices, and how-tos for all users
- Release Notes
- Stay informed about the features and capabilities included in each product release
- Training
- Learn new skills and workflows to get the most out of using RefWorks
- Knowledge Articles
- Search our knowledge base for answers to commonly raised questions
- Adding new styles to RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)
- Will users be able to access RefWorks after leaving institution?
- Author Differentiations settings when citing in RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) for Word
- Error Message when Creating a Bibliography
- Can my RefWorks account transfer to a new school
- Can I use RCM for Google Docs add-on in document created using ProQuest RefWorks add-on?
- Citation Style Language (CSL) in RefWorks
- Contact RefWorks Support
- Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases
- DB별 레퍼런스 반입하기
- Edge 브라우저에 Save to Refworks 추가하기
- Editing the DOI field to create a working link
- Enabling RefWorks Citation Manager
- Adding "Import to RefWorks" to Google Scholar
- How can I modify a citation style?
- How do I bypass the proxy server for RefWorks?
- How do I import references into RefWorks directly from databases?
- How do I import references into RefWorks without direct export link?
- How do I relink Single Sign On (SSO), Institutional Login, account with my RefWorks account?
- How to contact Ex Libris for assistance or to discuss technical matters?
- Importing PubMed results into RefWorks
- Introduction to the Knowledge Center
- Java in RefWorks
- Knowledge Center Questions and Answers
- Adding line breaks (carriage return) in a citation style
- As an admin, how do I customize citation style lists?
- As an admin, how do I add a RefWorks style to my Institutional Styles list?
- New Online Catalog or Database
- New to working with Support and not sure where to begin
- PDF Handling in RefWorks
- ProQuest RefWorks의 애드온(부가기능)을 사용하여 생성된 문서에서 Google Docs 애드온용 RCM을 사용할 수 있습니까?
- What is the recommended EZproxy stanza for RefWorks?
- PubMed 레퍼런스를 RefWorks로 가져오기
- Recent RefWorks Announcements
- RefWorks: Ideas Exchange Website for Enhancement Requests
- RefWorks best practices
- RefWorks Citation Manager 활성화시키기
- RefWorks Citation Manager와 Write-N-Cite에 새로운 스타일 추가하기
- RefWorks Data Retention
- RefWorks Export Limits
- How to build a list of favorite citation styles in RefWorks
- What is a quick and easy way to add reference details in RefWorks?
- RefWorks QuikBib
- RefWorks System Status
- Where are training and other resources for RefWorks located?
- RefWorks 및 인터넷 브라우저 이용안내
- RefWorks 지원 문의
- RefWorks교육 및 관련 자료들은 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?
- RefWorks에서 개인 정보 보호 동의화면 지우기
- RefWorks에서 사용되는 Java 의 향후 지원계획
- RefWorks의 Citation Style Language (CSL)
- RefWorks/Pivot 지원과 지식 서비스 통합FAQ
- Specifications for Direct Export into RefWorks from Database Service
- RefWorks IP addresses
- RefWorks Federation Details
- Save to RefWorks 수동 설치 매뉴얼
- Save to RefWorks 활용 방법
- Search Online Catalog or Database
- Shibboleth/OpenAthens and RefWorks
- Save to RefWorks Best Practices
- Save to RefWorks manual installation instructions
- Subscribe for CKC page updates, using RSS feeds
- 기술지원 문서모음(한국어버전)
- Tips for Advanced Document Searching in the Customer Knowledge Center
- Tips for upgrading a document created in Legacy RefWorks for use in New RefWorks
- System requirements for TLS 1.2 for Mac users
- System requirements for TLS 1.2 for Windows users
- Troubleshooting RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)
- Using APA 7th Edition in RefWorks
- What is Case Status, and What Does It Mean?
- What is Copyleaks Plagiarism and AI content checker tool in RefWorks?
- What is Ex Libris Escalation Policy?
- What is Paperpal Preflight Pre-submission Check Tool in RefWorks?
- What is the difference between Folders and Projects?
- When are new styles and new style editions added to RefWorks?
- What is Write-n-Cite?
- Write-N-Cite (WnC) to RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM) Migration
- 관리자기능 – 기관 출력스타일 추가하는 방법
- 관리자기능 – 기관/최신 출력스타일 관리
- 기존 Mendeley 이용자들을 위한 팁
- 문서에 저장된 레퍼런스 리스트를 RefWorks로 한 번에 가져오기 할 수 있나요?
- 새로운 스타일과 기존 스타일의 최신 에디션은 언제 RefWorks에 반영되나요?
- 업데이트된 RCM 소개
- 온라인 카탈로그 또는 데이터베이스 검색
- 워드 문서에서 RefWorks Write-N-Cite 메뉴가 비활성화되고 회색으로 표시될 경우
- 졸업 이후에도 RefWorks를 계속 사용할 수 있나요?
- 즐겨찾는 출력스타일 추가하기
- 참고문헌 생성시 오류 메시지
- 출력스타일 수정하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
- 케이스가 가지는 상태 값과 각각의 의미는 무엇인가요?
- 파일 올리기(Drag & Drop)로 레퍼런스 반입하기
- 폴더와 프로젝트의 차이점이 무엇인가요?
- Community Knowledge
- Learn from other customers’ experience, access customer contributed articles and share your own expertise
- Product Materials
- Access helpful resources, toolkits, case studies and accessibility statement