5.1 SP Upgrade- Workaround PDS Bug That Does not Allow Special Characters
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 5.1
After the upgrade to SP 5.1 it is not possible to use special characters in the password. This bug in the PDS was fixed, and will not affect any 5.1 service packs that are downloaded and installed as of October 7th, 2016. In order to fix the bug on service packs that were installed before October 7th, 2016 please follow the steps below.
1. Ask the Rosetta support team to send you the replacement file through Salesforce.
2. Replace the file 'dps.pl' that is in $pdsroot/service_proc with the file that support provided you.
3. After replacing the file run:
>> dos2unix dps.pl dps.pl
4. Restart apache.
- Article last edited: 06-Oct-2016