Cantaloupe Image Server adjustments (starting Rosetta SP 7.3)
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 7.3 and up
After installation of Rosetta Service Pack 7.3 or higher the Rosetta Delivery with some viewers fails.
You might encounter following issues:
Openseadragon File Viewer might show
Unable to open [object Object]: HTTP 500 attempting to load TileSource
Universal Viewer might show a black screen while the delivered image is not shown. HTTP 404 error might be detected.
In Rosetta SP 7.3 Cantaloupe Image Server was upgraded to version 5.0.5.
Prior to Rosetta 7.3 - Cantaloupe Image Server is deployed by Rosetta Application as a Tomcat WAR file (webapp) and it uses default Rosetta Application port 1801 (HTTP) or port 8443 (HTTPS) for Rosetta with native SSL support enabled.
Starting Rosetta 7.3 - Cantaloupe Image Server is deployed as JAR file (Java Application) and it uses different port – default HTTP port 8182 (or https port 8183 in case Cantaloupe is configured with native SSL).
Following installation of Rosetta Service Pack version 7.3 or newer, customers with Rosetta Application working behind Proxy/Load Balancer might need the following configuration:
Rosetta’s Administration Module → General parameter → “cantaloupe_port”
For load balanced environments - configure with load balanced Delivery port (HTTP port 80, or HTTPS port 443).
Typically this would be the value of “load.balancer.del.port” defined in Rosetta’s “” file. -
In case Rosetta Delivery is not configured behind load balancer/proxy – Configure with local Cantaloupe port (HTTP port 8182 or HTTPS port 8183, as defined in ‘‘ and in ‘‘).
Note: to apply changes to “cantaloupe_port” General Parameter, Rosetta Application restart is required
Clear Cantaloupe cache
To prevent any issues, it is advisable to clean Cantaloupe cache directory in $op_dir/tmp/delivery/IIIFViewerPreProcessor/ -
Adjust load balancer/proxy configuration – some typical examples
Topology characteristic |
SSL configuration |
What to check |
All in one server with without load balancer |
Single server environment with Rosetta configured with native SSL or multiple servers with Rosetta configured with native SSL without external load balancer/proxy |
Environment with multiple Rosetta application servers with external load balancer/proxy configured with SSL offloading. |
* The '' can be found in Rosetta 'global.propeties' configuration file, by running (SSH to Rosetta application server as 'dps' Unix user):
$dps_dev/cantaloupe/ file and $dps_profile/cantaloupe_overwrites/
Out-of-the-box Cantaloupe runs using port 8182 (HTTP mode), in case you wish to run Cantaloupe with HTTPS mode on port 8183 (or a different port) adjust this file as follows and restart Rosetta Application.
# !! Configures the HTTP server. (Standalone mode only.)
http.enabled = false =
http.port = 8182
# !! Configures the HTTPS server. (Standalone mode only.)
https.enabled = true =
https.port = 8183
# !! Available values are `JKS` and `PKCS12`. (Standalone mode only.)
https.key_store_type = JKS
https.key_store_password = password
https.key_store_path = /exlibris/dps/.keystore
https.key_password =
Cantaloupe Image Sever is restarted with Rosetta application using commands like “dps_start” or “dps_restart”.
To check if Cantaloupe Image Sever is running please use following commands:
ps -ef | grep -i cantaloupe (to see full process parameters)
Cantaloupe can be also stopped and started independently of Rosetta application using following commands:
To stop Cantaloupe
bash -c "kill -9 `ps -ef | grep cantaloupe | grep -v grep | grep dps | awk '{print $2}'` &> /dev/null"
To start Cantaloupe
bash -c "nohup java -Dcantaloupe.config=$dps_dev/cantaloupe/ -Xmx2g -jar $dps_dev/cantaloupe/cantaloupe.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
We recommend not to balance or enable access to URL of the Cantaloupe administration UI due to security concerns. (http://<>:8182/admin)
Please consult any doubts about the Cantaloupe Delivery with Rosetta support team.
Article last edited: 26-Aug-2024