How to assign an entity type to an object during deposit?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 4
Desired Outcome Goal:
To assign an entity type (e.g. “ebook”) to an object via a task chain during manual deposit in order to render the object within a specific viewer.
Note that entity type determines what viewer is used; see Additional Information for more details.
Users can also define entity type within a METS file when using the submission job for automated ingest.
To add an enrichment task chain to the material flow do the following:
1. Go to Advanced Configuration > Repository > List of Task Chains > Populate IE Characteristics
2. Click the ”Duplicate” link on the right to create a new enrichment task chain; complete the following fields and save:
General Information
Name: enter a name that indicates the entity type to be assigned; particularly if there will be several versions of this task.
Description: enter a description
Status: Active
Task Chain Level: IE
Groups: enter the ‘group’ or life-cycle stage of the object that the enrichment task can be applied (e.g. enrichment).
Task List > Task Parameters:
Submission Reason: optional
Status: Active
IE Entity Type: enter the appropriate IE Entity Type that will later determine which viewer will be used to render objects to which this enrichment task chain has been applied.
User Defined A, B, C: optional
3. Go to Submissions > Advanced Tools > SIP Processing Configuration List
a. Click "Add Processing Configuration" button to create a new processing configuration.
Include the following information in the field creation form (* denotes a mandatory field in the form):
*Name - SIP Processing Configuration name
Validation Stack Routine - Validation Stack - Full
Approval - Approver
Enrichment Routine - Populate IE Characteristics
4. Go to Submissions > Advanced Tools > (Routing) Rule List and create a new SIP Routing Rule as follows:
a. Make sure it’s at the top of the list of SIP Routing Rules (list is read top-down)
b. Specify the following Input General Parameters so that IEs that meet these criteria will get added to the collection:
Material Flow = Name of material flow for this collection
Producer = Name of producer for this collection
Producer Group = producer group for this collection
c. Specify the following Output Parameters:
Approver Group = approver group for this collection
Process Configuration Id = select the "Process Configuration Id" created in step #2 above.
5. Ingest content using this task chain and SIP Processing Configuration.
6. Confirm that the entity type of “book” has been added to the newly ingested IE:
a. Open IE in the Web Editor
b. Click on the IE node at the top of the IE tree (should be highlighted in yellow) > Metadata tab > View DNX > general IE Characteristics > IE Entity Type.
7. Confirm that the IE ingested with the entity type renders correctly in the desired viewer:
a. With the IE open in the Web Editor > Object Summary tab > View Object.
Additional Information
Delivery rules for specific viewers are defined in Advanced Configuration > Delivery > IE Delivery Rules.
When defining a new delivery rule, users must indicate the “IE Entity Type(s)”.
For example, if an IA Book Reader viewer is configured, the following entity types may be included: Book, Chapter, Album.
Thus, only objects that have a Book, Chapter, Album entity type will be rendered with the IA Book Reader viewer.
Category: Category: Delivery
Subject: IE Viewer - Rosetta
- Article last edited: 8/29/2014