How to change the log files location
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 5.0.1+
How to change the location of the log files on all servers from "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
We want to change the location of the following log files:
- server.log
- gc.log
- pds_server.log
- wrapper.log
- /access_log
- localhost_access_log.YYYY-MM-DD
- $op_dir is a shortcut for the directory operational_shared.
- $dps_dev is a shortcut for the directory exlibris/dps/d4_1.
- On some of the scripts the directories appears in their shortcut and in some they appear in their full path.
On each server, run the followings:
1. Stop Rosetta:
- dps_stop
2. Edit the dps_start script:
- dps_profile; vi dps_start
- Replace "$op_dir/logs/${WWW_HOST}" with "$dps_dev/log/${WWW_HOST}"
3. Edit the script
- vi $dps_dev/system.dir/bin/
- Replace each "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
4. Edit the prof_master file:
- vi $dps_dev/profile/prof_master
- Replace "alias dps_log 'cd $op_dir/logs/${WWW_HOST}'" to "alias dps_log 'cd $dps_dev/log/${WWW_HOST}'"
- Replace "alias dps_tail 'cd $op_dir/logs/${WWW_HOST}; tail -f server.log'" to "alias dps_tail 'cd $dps_dev/log/${WWW_HOST}; tail -f server.log'"
- Replace "alias dlog 'tail -f $op_dir/logs/${WWW_HOST}/server.log'" to "alias dlog 'tail -f $dps_dev/log/${WWW_HOST}/server.log'"
5. Edit the wrapper.conf:
- vi $dps_dev/system.dir/thirdparty/wrapper/conf/wrapper.conf
- Replace each "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
6. Edit
- vi $dps_dev/system.dir/bin/
- Replace each "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
7. Edit:
- vi $dps_dev/system.dir/bin/
- Replace each "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
8. On the PDS Server - Edit PDSDefinitions:
- vi $dps_dev/pds/program/PDSDefinitions
- Replace each "/operational_shared/logs" to "/exlibris/dps/d4_1/log".
9. run .cshrc:
- source /exlibris/dps/.cshrc
10. Restart Rosetta:
- dps_start
The changes will be overwritten once you install Rosetta SP, Rosetta HF or if you run dps_bin;./ script.
- Article last edited: 24-Jan-2018