How to disable the self registration link in the Deposit Module's login screen
- Product: Rosetta
How do I disable the self registration link in the Deposit Module's login screen?
1. v5.2 or higher with Local Authentication:
a. Login to the Administrative module and go to: Home > General > General Parameters > Module: authentication
b. Change the "deposit_self_registration" parameter to 'false'
c. Click "Update" to save.
d. Logout of Rosetta Management
e. Clear your browser's cache
f. Connect to the Deposit module's login screen (e.g. http://<your_dns_name>:1801/deposit) to confirm that the registration link is gone.
2. v5.1 or lower with External Authentication (e.g. SAML, LDAP, etc.):
a. Connect to the Rosetta application server(s) via ssh and navigate to: /exlibris/dps/d4_1/pds/html_form/calling_system-dep/login
b. Comment out the following lines:
<!-- <div class="register"> <ul class="clearfix"> <li class="clearfix"> <label class="registerMessage" for="username">I am new and want to register:</label> <div class="registerButton"> <a class="registerText" target="_parent" href="" title="">Register</a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> -->
<!-- <ul class="newRegister clearfix"> <li><span>I am new and want to register:</span> <span class="buttonLink alignRight"><a target="_parent" href="" title="">Register</a></span></li> </ul> -->
c. Save your changes.
d. Clear your browser's cache
e. Connect to the Deposit module's login screen (e.g. http://<your_dns_name>:1801/deposit) to confirm that the registration link is gone.
NOTE: upgrading to v5.2 or higher won't overwrite these changes.
Additional Information
Related KCS article: Local Authentication in Rosetta
- Article last edited: 11-May-2018