How to increase the heap size for Rosetta
- Article Type: General
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 4
- Relevant for Installation Type: Local;
Desired Outcome Goal: to increase the heap size
1. Go to: /exlibris/dps/d4_1/system.dir/thirdparty/wrapper/conf/wrapper.conf
2. Change the parameter
3. Go to: /exlibris/dps/d4_1/system.dir/conf/ (and
4. Change the jboss.maxmemory parameter
5. Run "dps_stop" (without quotes)
6. Go to dps_bin
7. Run "./" (without quotes)
8. Run "dps_start" (without quotes)
Additional Information
If the system runs very slowly during massive loads, check the gc. log to see if there are any "Full GC" messages as follows:
1. enter "dps_log" (without quotes) which goes to /exlibris/dps/d4_1/profile/operational_shared/logs/
2. more (or less) "gc.log)
3. search for "Full GC"
2015-06-29T13:25:04.870-0500: 614535.319: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 24049K->0K(973312K)] [ParOldGen: 2037107K->831988K(2048000K)] 206115
7K->831988K(3021312K) [PSPermGen: 124961K->124319K(524288K)], 2.3053130 secs] [Times: user=4.88 sys=6.75, real=2.30 secs]
To determine how much memory is allocated to the server enter "free -m" (without quotes)
us-rosetta01-d4(1) >>free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 24106 22561 1544 0 505 17296
-/+ buffers/cache: 4759 19347
Swap: 20191 0 20191
us-rosetta01-d4(1) >>
The out of the box jboss.maxmemory=4000, but it can be changed to 1/4 to 1/3 of the memory allocated to the machine.
Category: Infrastructure
- Article last edited: 7/20/2015