Depositing and Exporting Files with Special Characters in the Filename
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 5
Depositing (and exporting) files with special characters in the filename (chinese, japanese, latin, or any double byte characters) does not work. Rosetta is not able to locate the filename specified.
Replication Steps
1. Reboot Rosetta servers
2. Deposit (e.g. METS workflow) a package with reference to files contain special characters in the filename.
3. You will see "Acquiring Failed" error in TA.
Possible Cause
If Rosetta was not restarted manually since server boot, the tomcat jvm would start using ANSI/C/POSIX locale variables instead of the OS default.
Restarting Rosetta application (on all servers) solves the immediate issue
Manual Fix
The script that is executed on OS init is
This script is in charge of initiating Ex Libris' products and processes on the server at boot time of the server
Currently, this bash script includes the following lines:
export LC_ALL
export LANG
To fix the issue, comment out these 4 lines as follows:
#export LC_ALL
#export LANG
- Article last edited: 08-Nov-2018