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    OAI Publishing: unexpected behavior when an IE being published by multiple OAI Publishing Configurations

    • Product: Rosetta
    • Product Version: 7.0


    one or more of the following:

    • Deleting an IE from one published set affects the publishing status of the same IE being published by another OAI Publishing Configuration:
      IEs are published with 'deleted' status.
    • The published 'datestamp' is incorrect.
    • The published metadata is incorrect - the actual format does not match the chosen 'Metadata Format' ('metadataPrefix')


    Having the same IE being published by more than a single OAI Publishing Configuration causes unexpected behavior with Publishing, when using either the same 'Set Spec' or the same 'Metadata Format'.

    Defect Status

    A fix is tentatively planned to be part of Rosetta SP 8.0


    For any relevant Publishing Configurations' profile configured a different 'Set Spec' and different 'Metadata Format'.

    To add a new 'Metadata Format' in the system, two changes are needed to be performed* in the Administration Module:

    1. Access 'Configuration Files' → 'File Group' of "External Interfaces"  → 'Sub-Group' of "OAI_provider" → Edit 'oaiproviderconfig.xml' and  add another 'Metadata Format' entry.

      For example - first duplicate:




      Then, change the duplicate's 'metadataPrefix' value (e.g. to "oai_dc_2").
      Eventually, the original and duplicate should look like:











      When finished editing → Click 'Save'.
    2. Access 'Code Tables' → Edit 'OAI Meta data format' → Select the needed 'Languages' from top of the screen → fill the needed data beneath 'Create a New Code Table Row' → Click 'Create' → Click 'Save'.
      Code: "oai_dc_2"
      Description: "oai_dc_2"
      'Language' field can be left empty.
    * For a demonstration, please refer to the following video guide (starting 20:56):


    • Article last edited: 21-Apr-2021
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