Rosetta 8.0-8.1 - Unable to export REP or IE or view Itemize Set "Members"
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: -
- "Search failed. Please contact the System Administrator" red notification is seen in Rosetta UI in the following scenarios:
- Running "Export IE" or "Export Representation" from either the Web Editor or as a Process fails with error.
- Data Management → Monitor Process History → Exception screen lists "ExportError" exception.
- The relevant files are either not exported or a empty file (with the expected file name) is created under the "Export Path" directory.
- Clicking on "Members" button (of an Itemized Set), from Data Management → "Sets" screen or Data Management → "Publishing Configuration" → "Set" tab screen.
- Running "Export IE" or "Export Representation" from either the Web Editor or as a Process fails with error.
- Rosetta "server.log" shows:
ERROR [com.exlibris.core.infra.web.common.GeneralAction] (http-nio-1801-exec-x) [] Error Message: Search failed. Please contact the System Administrator
ERROR [com.exlibris.digitool.mng.workBench.SearchHandlingAction] (http-nio-1801-exec-x) [] search failed.
ERROR [com.exlibris.digitool.mng.workBench.SearchHandlingAction] (http-nio-1801-exec-x) [] org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at Cannot parse '((IE.internalIdentifier.internalIdentifierType.PID.string.single:"IExxxxxxx") OR ... : too many boolean clauses
An issue with Rosetta versions through, related to indexing of Structural IEs.
SSH as 'dps' Linux user in each IDX (index) role server in the environment (run: "ver_full" to determine the server roles for the latest Rosetta version) then run the following:
## Backup existing Solr "solr.xml" configuration file ##
cd /exlibris/dps/d4_1/solr/server/solr/
cp -p solr.xml solr.xml.backup.SP`awk -F= '/app.version/ {print $2}' $dps_system/conf/`_`date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`
## Reconfigure "solr.xml" with "<int name="maxBooleanClauses">${solr.max.booleanClauses:500000}</int>" under "<solr>" tag ##
set max_limit=500000
[ `grep -i 'booleanClauses' solr.xml | wc -m` == 0 ] && sed -i '/<solr>/a <int name="maxBooleanClauses">${solr.max.booleanClauses:'${max_limit}'}</int>' solr.xml || sed -i 's/booleanClauses:.*}/booleanClauses:'${max_limit}'}/i' solr.xml
## Restart Solr ##
$dps_dev/solr/bin/solr stop; $dps_dev/solr/bin/solr start -p 8983
Feel free to consult with Ex Libris Rosetta Support Team in case your organization have any question or need assistance deploying this workaround.
Defect Status
A fix is tentatively planned to be released with one of the upcoming versions of Rosetta.
- Article last edited: 06-June-2024