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    7.6 Hands-On: Search, Sets, and Processes


    1. Enter the Management area.
    2. Select  Data Management > Search and Manage Queries > Search for Objects
    3. Create your query:
    • Find all IEs that contains files with extension Jpg or Tif
    • And the IEs have been created after 27/12/2017
    • And the IEs don't belong to SIP IDs 1 or 2
    • And they may have files with

         Format Name contains the text – “Image“


         Format Registry ID = fmt/7

    The query should look like this:



    Set Management

    Scenario 1: Create an Itemized Set

    In this section, we will look at:

    • An Editor searching the Permanent Repository for IEs based on one criterion.

    Create an Itemized Set of all IEs that were inserted on behalf of a certain Producer

    1. Select Data Management > Manage Sets and Processes > Sets
    2. Click on Add Set and choose Itemized. Click Next.
    3. Give the set a meaningful name and description, and click Next
    4. In the “Add conditions” look for the IEs ingested by your Producer you have created in your previous lesson (using Producer First Name for example)
    5. Check the IE’s that are shown in the list and click Add Selected
    6. Click Save

    Result: The Set is created and it contains only the IEs that were selected upon the Set creation.

    Scenario 2: Create a Logical Set

    In this section, we will look at:

    • An Editor searching the Permanent Repository for IEs based on more than one criterion.

    Create a Logical Set of all IEs that have files a certain file extension and were inserted by a certain Producer

    1. Enter the Management area.
    2. Select Data Management > Manage Sets and Processes > Sets
    3. Click on Add Set and choose Logical. Click Next.
    4. Give the set a meaningful name and description. Click Next.
    5. In the “Add Conditions”, search for ‘File Extension’ = jpg and ‘Producer Name’ being your producer name.
    6. Click Save

    Result: The Set is created and every time it will be viewed the query will bring back the updated results.


    Process management


    Upon completion of this section of the training, you will be able to:

    • Create and run a new Process
    • Check the Process summary
    • Check the Process results on the IE through the Web Editor

    Scenario 1: Create and run a new Process


    In this section, we will look at:

    • An Editor creating a Process by defining which task chain will be performed on which Set
    • An Editor scheduling the Process to run immediately.

    Create a Process

    1. Enter the Management area.
    2. Select Data Management > Manage Sets and Processes > Processes
    3. Click Add Process
    4. In the Choose Task Chain screen select the “Validation Stack - Fixity Only ” option and click Next.
    5. Give the Process a meaningful name, choose priority 'High' and click Next.
    6. From the list of sets, choose the Logical set you have created before and click Next.
    7. Click Next on the scheduling page.
    8. Review the Process details and click Submit.
    9. Click on 'Run Now' on the newly created process.

    Result: The process is running on the Set you have defined.

    Scenario 2: Check the Process execution summary

    In this section, we will look at:

    • An Editor checking the process execution summary. 
    1. Enter the Management area.
    2. Select Data Management > Manage Sets and Processes > Monitor Process History
    3. Find the process you just launched and review its status

    Result: The process ran successfully.


    Scenario 3: Check the Process results on the IE

     In this section, we will look at:

    • An Editor reviewing the IE that was processed by the Process.

    Create a Process


    1. Enter the Management area.
    2. Select Data Management > Manage Sets and Processes > Sets
    3. Click Results for reviewing the IEs in the Logical Set you have created.
    4. Click Editor and review the IE through the Web Editor.
    5. Click on a File on the left side, it should now be highlighted in yellow.
    6. Click the File Summary tab.
    7. Review the information that was generated as a result of the Process.

    Result: The IE was processed and the details of the Tasks are written in the IE METS file.


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