A-Z eJournal list searches result in Title.pm error message
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
Problem Symptoms:
When searching or browsing the SFX A-Z eJournal list, the following error message appears:
SFX Error
DBLayer::Base::DBEngine::_execute_single_query: Cannot execute SELECT T.OBJECT_ID FROM <instance>4.AZ_TITLE T, <instance>.AZ_LETTER_GROUP LG WHERE T.AZ_PROFILE = ? AND T.SCRIPT IN (?) AND LG.AZ_TITLE_ID = T.AZ_TITLE_ID AND BINARY( LG.AZ_LETTER_GROUP_NAME) IN ('Q') ORDER BY T.TITLE_SORT Table '<instance>4.AZ_TITLE' doesn't exist Parameters: default Latin at /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/<instance>/lib/AZLIST/Title.pm line 60.
The RSI/A-Z eJournal index has either never been built or needs to be rebuilt due to period of inactivity
1) log into the unix environment as the affected instance user
2) type: da
3) type: ./server_admin_util
4) select option 7 (AZ Index)
5) select option 1 (eJournal A-Z index tools)
6) select option 2 ((Re)build eJournal RSI and AZ index)
7) type: y to confirm index build
After the build is completed, the server_admin_util menu prompt will return
Category: A-Z List (SFX)
Subject: SFX
- Article last edited: 10/17/2013