SFX Institutional Holdings File Does Not Open in My Browser
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
Problem Symptoms:
The SFX Institutional Holdings file, created using the SFX Admin, won't open in a browser
The browser returns a "file not found" message.
The browser IP does not have the required access permission
Add the library IP address to the get_file_restriction.config_ file.
Step 1. cd /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/{LOCAL-INSTANCE-CODE}/config
The shortcut to this location is "cn"
Step 2. vi get_file_restriction.config_
When editing the file under the sfxlcl* instance using vi, a message asks about breaking the symbolic link. This is the message:
[break symbolic link 'get_file_restriction.config_' ?] [y/N]
Answering Yes, causes vi to create a local copy of the file in the sfxlcl* instance.
Step 3. Respond Yes, add your IP, and save the local copy.
Step 4. Restart Apache for that instance so that the changes made to the files can take effect.
This can be done either by typing 'apachectl restart' or via the Server Admin Utility
Additional Information
* Answering No to the question about breaking the symbolic link, causes vi to open the file residing in the sfxglb* instance in read?only mode, but prevents the file from being saved. It is generally recommended NOT to make any local changes to any file in the sfxglb* instance, as these files may be changed without warning during the SFX update.
* The unmodified file probably looks like this:
The default settings include the Ex Libris HQ office
* See also KCS Article # 000002097 (How to Create SFX Institutional Holdings for Primo Central)
Category: Interoperability (SFX)
Subject: Primo
- Article last edited: 10/25/2013