Titles from Shared Consortium Instance Not Appearing in Local Instance
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
Problem Symptoms:
* Model 2 consortium configuration
* Titles from central shared instance not appearing in local instance A-Z eJournal list
* Titles from central instance not appearing in local instance menu
* RSI index log contains "Unexpected response" error
Incorrect URL for the central instance in the local instance consortium.config file
Update URLs to reflect the central shared instance address in the local instance /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/<instance>/config/consortium.config file in the following sections:
Section "member_gateway"
Section "member_resolver_gateway"
Section "az_ver3_member_gateway"
Section "rsi_member_gateway"
Category: Consortia / Merged services (SFX)
Subject: SFX
- Article last edited: 2/17/2014