Usage Statistics for bX in SFX Admin Center
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
What statistics queries in SFX Admin Center are relevant to bX usage ?
Statistics that include bX data are:
*Query 2 (# requests/clickthroughs by source) recorded with the source "info:sid/” – counts # of times a recommendation was selected in the bX menu.
*Query 4 (#requests/ clickthroughs per service type) – the bX service is getRecommendation.
*Query 8 (# of clickthroughs per target service) – the bX target is BX_RECOMMENDER_SERVICE-getRecommendation
*Query 15 (Services preferred over full-text)
Additional Information
No current Statistics query that counts bX recommendation clickthroughs when FullText is unavailable
SID meaning in SFX statistics:
SID = bx-menu - When bX which is integrated in the SFX menu generates an SFX menu the SID is bx-menu
SID = bx-target - When SFX menu is generated by a bX via Primo (recommendations tab) the SID is bx-target. bX via Primo is a tile on Primo and is generated by bX (not by Primo).
Category: Statistics (SFX) - SFX
- Article last edited: 6/15/2014