What are the column descriptions for advanced tab delimited text exports using the export tool?
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
What information is stored in each column of an advanced export from the export tool using tab delimited text?
Column 1 – Sortable Title (used internally in SFX for sorting purposes)
Column 2 – Title
Column 3 – Title Non-Filing Character
Column 4 – ISSN
Column 5 – Object ID
Column 6 – Target Public Name
Column 7 – Threshold (not in Perl statement, but in textual format)
Column 8 – eISSN
Column 9 – Abbreviated Title
Column 10 – Target Service Type
Column 11 – LCCN
Column 12 – Object Portfolio ID
Column 13 – 856$u – This field will be empty
Column 14 – 856$y – This field will be empty142
Column 15 – 856$a – This field will be empty
Column 16 – 245$h – This field will be empty
Column 17 – Local Threshold
Column 18 – Global Threshold
Column 19 – Target ID
Column 20 – Target Service ID
Column 21 – Object Portfolio_ID
Column 22 – Categories
Column 23 – Local Attribute
Column 24 – ISBN
Column 25 – eISBN
Column 26 – Publisher
Column 27 – Place of Publication
Column 28 – Date of Publication
Column 29 – Object Type
Column 30 – Activation status for the DEFAULT institute
Column 31 – Institute ID (if available)
Column 32 – Institute Name (if available)
Column 33 – Institute Availability (if available)
Column 34–Language (in three-letter code)
Column 35–Main Title–important only for the sorting of CJK titles
Column 36–Full Original Title –for CJK titles only
Column 37 – Additional ISBNs
Column 38 –Additional eISBNs
Column 39–Author
Column 40–Owner
Column 41–THRESHOLD_LOCAL(if empty, the active threshold for the row is the GLOBAL threshold)
Column 42 – PARSE_PARAM used for this portfolio
Column 43–IS_FREE - values can be 1 (portfolio is freely accessible) or 0 (access to the portfolio is restricted)
Additional Information
Information located in the 'Text Tab-Delimited File Format' section of the SFX General Users Guide.
- Article last edited: 24-Jul-2017