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    Summon: Saving Items (Citations)

    • Product: Summon

    Does Summon let users save citations so the items are readily available later?

    Saving Items in Summon

    Summon provides options for both the casual user wanting to save a single item, and the researcher wanting to save numerous citations.

    A user can right-click on an item's title link and copy the link to wherever the user wants to put it so that the item is readily available at a later date. When numerous items need to be saved during the research process, there are two suggested methods. Search results can be saved to:

    • RefWorks – A permanent place for Summon users to manage their research. Any Summon user at a RefWorks-subscribing institution can create an account for use in RefWorks. For more information, see Saving to RefWorks.

    • Summon's Saved Items temporary folder, where citations can be viewed, emailed, printed, and exported during a user's Summon session. For more information, see Saving to Summon's Saved Items Temporary Folder.

      For libraries with the Legacy RefWorks, the Saved Items temporary folder continues to offer the option to export to Legacy RefWorks.

    Saving an item always starts with a Summon user clicking the Add to Saved Items icon to the right of a citation:


    The Saved Items folder to the right of the Summon search box now displays a '1' to indicate the item has been added (note that 50 is the maximum number of items that can be held in the temporary folder at any given time):


    If they are currently logged on to RefWorks, clicking the Saved Items folder takes users to the RefWorks Recently Added screen where they will see the item they just saved. For all other users, clicking the Saved Items folder opens the folder, providing all the options mentioned above.

    Saving to RefWorks

    For institutions subscribed to RefWorks, users with a RefWorks account can save items discovered in Summon to RefWorks, which provides a permanent place to store items and access citation management options, such as creating and sharing collections of research.

    How It Works

    A Summon user with an account for RefWorks can log on to RefWorks using the RefWorks Log In link available in the menu on the top right corner of Summon (see below). Once logged in, Summon's Saved Items folder connects directly to the user's Recently Added page in RefWorks.


    If a user adds items to their Saved Items folder, prior to logging in to RefWorks, those items are automatically moved to RefWorks when the user logs on to Summon. Summon users with a RefWorks account can also access their RefWorks account anytime by signing in directly to

    If a Summon user at an institution that subscribes to RefWorks does not have a RefWorks account:

    The user can set up an account by clicking the RefWorks Log In link mentioned above. The bottom of the login page provides the No Account? - Sign Up here button for new users. Note that the RefWorks account creation can also be done when the Summon user is viewing their Saved Items folder (see below section about saving to Summon's temporary folder).

    RefWorks sign up screen

    A Summon user currently in RefWorks can return to their Summon search by using the Back to Library Search link at the top of RefWorks:

    Return to Summon from RefWorks

    For Summon users who have not logged on to RefWorks, saved items are stored in the the Saved Items temporary folder described in Saving to Summon's Saved Items Temporary Folder.

    Libraries can hide the RefWorks Log In link in Summon and disable the RefWorks option through the Personal Accounts with ProQuest RefWorks section of the Settings page in the Summon Administration Console.

    Saving to Summon's Saved Items Temporary Folder

    The saved items feature lets users save citations in a temporary folder. Once saved, clicking on the Saved Items folder (described at the top of this article) provides options for viewing, emailing, printing and exporting.

    Saved items will be available for the duration of your search session, unless the session is open without any activity for the amount of time indicated in the library's Summon administration console (default setting is 120 minutes). Configure the amount of time in the Summon 2.0 Configuration section of the Settings page in the Summon Administration Console. If you want to save your citations beyond the session, you can copy/paste, email, print or export your list to bibliographic management software.

    • Note that when a user firsts puts an item into their Saved Items folder, a message about the temporary folder displays briefly. To customize the default wording below, use the Translations page in the Summon Administration Console:

      • Default wording: This is a temporary folder, your saved items will be cleared when you leave or after an extended period of inactivity. You can export, email, or print your saved items at any time.

    • The user is again notified five minutes before the folder will be cleared due to inactivity.

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 3-Oct-2022
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