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    Allow overlapping subscriptions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Verde
    • Product Version: 2

    verlapping acquisition records should be allowed. In case of overlap, a pop-up window should appear and warn the user. If the user insists on submitting the record even after the warning, he should be able to do so.
    Example: An original subscription that covered 1/1/2007-1/1/2008 and the renewed subscription will run 1/1/2008-1/1/2009. If you try to enter these renewal dates into a renewed acquisitions record, you get the error message: "Error message: Failed to update Subscription Period entity with ID: 59,754,423. Overlap in dates"
    While this message is helpful in the case of a data entry mistake, users should be able to manually override the error message.

    From issue resolution:
    The issue was forwarded to Netteie as an ER and the following w/a was suggested to the customer:
    Until this will be implemented, we thought of the following workaround and we would really appreciate your input on this:
    The system only prevents you from submitting two overlapping subscriptions if both of the subscriptions are active. The system considers a subscription to be active if its status is Active or Renewed. In case you would use any of the other acquisition statuses for one of the subscriptions (the status label can be configured in the code tables), there will be no problem with submitting the overlap subscription.
    Please note that the disadvantage of such workaround is that the subscription with the alternative status will not be considered by the system as active and therefore it won't be renewed by the subscriptions renewal task or any other task that relies on the activity of the subscription.

    [1/21/2010 11:14:27 AM Zvi Finkin]
    Final Status: Closed [1/21/2010 11:14:55 AM Zvi Finkin]

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013