If a user renews an acq record manually the license is not being extended.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
In Staff User Guide it says in Chapter 9: Acquisition Records: "To renew an acquisition record, click the Renew button in the Acquisitions tab. Note that this button appears only if the acquisition record's status is Active or Review. Acquisition records that are not active cannot be renewed. The renewal function creates a new annual acquisition record with the status Active, updates the existing acquisition record to Renewed, and extends the license.
1. Only licenses that have been assigned the renewal type Automatic are extended.
2. Licenses that are extended automatically are extended by the amount of time entered in the Standard duration field of the license.
3. If there is no standard duration, the license is extended so that the license ends on the same date as the acquisition record."
This is correct only in case the Subscriptions Renewal task is used. If a user renews an Acq record manually the license is not being extended.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013