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    Sync history gets overwritten by system (task) sync event.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Verde
    • Product Version: 2

    The synchronization history of the e-product's sync events that were initiated by the user (sync on demand for individual packages) is overwritten by system (task) sync event.

    For example:
    1. Retrieve an e-package
    2. Run synchronization using Sync now button
    3. Check synchronization history tab of the e-product - one event is registered with the event imitator's name
    4. Change local threshold of the e-product, submit the change
    5. Run synchronization task in KB Tools module
    6. Check sync history of the e-package.
    Expected result:
    - Two sync events should be registered in Sync history, one for Sync now with the initiator name and another one for the task sync with SYSTEM instead of the user name
    Actual result:
    - One SYSTEM sync event is registered - the previous 'Sync now' event is not displayed anymore.


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013