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    OPAC: Error Log File Locations

    Created By: Tom Pasley
    Created on: 5/14/2019

    [This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]

    If you're making another tweak to your TomCat OPAC, and something goes awry, then the various logs that are kept are very useful for finding out what's gone wrong.

    Here's where the TomCat log is kept in Voyager 7.0.4, where XXXDB is the name of the database being used, and YYYY-MM-DD is the date in question:


    You may also find the Apache2 error log useful:


    On a Solaris system, the messages file(s) are also useful for telling when system events took place, such as backups, where [.x] is an optional digit, depending on the age of the file:


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