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    OPAC: HTML Code to Search OPAC from Web Page

    Created By: Lesli M. Moore
    Created on: 5/14/2019

    [This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]

    The following are examples of HTML code that could be put in a regular HTML web page (like your Library's home page, for example) that will allow people to search the CLASSIC WEBVOYAGE OPAC without going to your WebVoyage page. Please note the usage example provided at the bottom of the instruction file no longer exists.

    <h3>Quick Search</h3>

    <form method="get" action="">

    <input name="searchArg" class="inputStyle" size="55" type="text"><br /><br />

    <select size="7" name="searchCode">

    <!-- Change these as needed -->

    <option selected="selected" value="TALL">Title Begins With (omit leading articles)</option>

    <!--<option value="GKEY^*">Keyword Anywhere (Relevance with Automatic AND)</option>-->

    <option value="GKEY^">Keyword Anywhere (Automatic AND, phrases &quot;in quotes&quot;)</option>

    <option value="GKEY">Keyword Anywhere (AND to connect, phrases &quot;in quotes&quot;)</option>

    <option value="GKEY|">Keyword Anywhere (Automatic OR, phrases &quot;in quotes&quot;)</option>

    <option value="NAME+">Author Browse (Last name, first name)</option>

    <option value="SUBJ+">Subject Browse</option>

    <option value="CALL+">Call Number Browse</option>

    </select><br />

    <input value="0" name="searchType" type="hidden">

    <input value="25" name="recCount" type="hidden"><br />

    <input value="Search" type="submit" alt="Go get search results" src="/vwebv/ui/SKIN/images/btn_go.gif">


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