System Administration: LibCB Extract Ejournals Script
[This article was copied from the Voyager Wiki.]
This Perl script, with modifications as needed by your site, will extract your Ejournal holdings information and output to a pipe-delimited, flat-text file. To be used as part of the University of Rochester's LibCB (open source course resources and management system).
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# author: jeff suszczynski
# email:
# last mod: 02/27/03
# requires DBI and DBD:Oracle,
# Generates a flat-text file containing all Ejournal
# information. This file will be put into a directory on our Voyager
# server that can accept a CFHTTP command, where a scheduled task on our Cold
# Fusion server will grab it and populate an SQL database with the data.
# This is a little clunky, but will have to do the trick until I port my Perl
# scripts into Cold Fusion - which will require installation of Perl and
# on the Cold Fusion server...
# If you don't currently extract your Ejournal information for something
# like an Ejournal Weblist, it is strongly recommended that you contact
# us before doing using this script.
# This Perl script should be run as a cron job. We run ours nightly at 10pm.
# We have > 3 million holdings, and the script takes ~ 45 minutes to run.
# Setting up local variables
$dbuser = 'xxx@LIBR'; # use login@INSTANCE syntax
$dbpassw = 'xxx'; # (use a read-only login)
# this next value should be your database name
# which if your installation were called 123 it would likely
# look something like 123DB
$dbname = 'xxxdb'; # also known as Tablespace Name
$dbowner = 'xxxdb'; # usually the same as $dbname
# the following will be a path to a directory that is available
# for a CFHTTP. For Voyager libraries, this may be something like
# /m1/voyager/$dbname/webvoyage/html/cfstuff
$cfhttp_dir = '';
################/ end of local variables /######################
# best practice is to use strict. this script does not, however.
# use strict;
# this script requires DBI/DBD as well as
# in the near future, I will finally be switching to
# MARC::Record, the more current version of
use MARC;
use DBI;
# Connect to database, creating a database handle
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', $dbuser, $dbpassw, {PrintError=>1})
|| die "ERROR:connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
# First SQL statement, needed to pull records that contain
# 'Journal xyz Internet' in the BLOB. The UR catalogs all electronic
# journals with 'Journal xyz Internet' in the 999 $a, where 'xyz'
# is an institution name.
# There is a better way to do this initial query using, but
# it would take quite a long time to run - so this is my workaround,
# looking for certain strings in the bibliographic BLOB.
$dbname.bib_text bt,
$dbname.bib_mfhd bm,
$dbname.bib_index bi,
$dbname.bib_data blob,
$dbname.bib_master mast
(blob.record_segment LIKE '%RCL Internet%'
OR blob.record_segment LIKE '%9990025%')
AND bi.bib_id = blob.bib_id
AND bi.bib_id = bt.bib_id
AND bt.bib_format = 'as'
AND bi.bib_id = bm.bib_id
AND bi.bib_id = mast.bib_id
AND mast.suppress_in_opac <> 'Y'
ORDER BY bt.title ASC";
# Prepare and execute the first SQL statement
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstmt)
|| die "ERROR:prepare: $DBI::err: $DBI::errstr\n";
$rc = $sth->execute
|| die "ERROR:execute: $DBI::err: $DBI::errstr\n";
# Opens two files, called main_web.unsorted and nourl.unsorted
open(DATAOUT, ">cfej.unsorted") || die "File I/O error try again";
open(NOURLOUT, ">cfej.nourl") || die "NoUrl File I/O error try again";
# While loop to retrieve query data
while (($Jtitle, $mfhd, $bib, $issn, $marc_record) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
# first let's clean up the Journal title a bit.
$Jtitle =~ s/\.\s$//;
$Jtitle =~ s/\.$//;
$Jtitle =~ s/\s$//;
$Jtitle =~ s/^(A|An|The)\s//;
$Jtitle=~ s/\[computer file\].*//;
$Jtitle=~ s/\[electronic resource\].*//;
# This next line calls a subroutine, written by Michael Doran, which will
# run each character in $Jtitle through a subroutine which strips out diacritics.
$Jtitle =~ s/([^\w\s\,\<\.\>\/\?\;\:\'\"\[\{\]\}\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\=\+])/&RemoveDiacritics/ge;
##### Initialize values for $mfhd_data and $segcnt #####
$mfhd_data = '';
$segcnt = 0;
# Second SQL statement, used to pull the MFHD (holdings) information out
# After we get MFHD info, we can pull specific fields from the MFHD
# using
$dbname.mfhd_data.mfhd_id = $mfhd
ORDER BY seqnum") || die $DBI::errstr;
# Prepare and execute the second SQL query
$sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2)
|| die "ERROR:prepare: $DBI::err: $DBI::errstr\n";
$rc2 = $sth2->execute
|| die "ERROR:execute: $DBI::err: $DBI::errstr\n";
# while loop that will fetch the results of the
# second query (the MFHD record) and act on them with
while (($record_segment) = $sth2->fetchrow_array)
$segcnt = $segcnt + 1;
$mfhd_data = $mfhd_data . $record_segment;
# Open new filehandle, put info into mfhd.unsorted
open(MFHDOUT, ">mfhd.unsorted") || die "File I/O MFHD error try again";
print MFHDOUT "$mfhd_data";
# This is a function of the module. Will open the file of MARC
# record and parse through it. Looking for specific fields,
# 852, 856 and 866 for URL, source and coverage info.
$x= new MARC;
$x->openmarc({file=>"mfhd.unsorted", 'format'=>"usmarc",increment=>"-1"});
# join the arrays for coverage, note and url
# so that they will be a continuous string in
# the SQL database when the file is used to populate
# said database.
# also perform some cleanup on the URL.
$URL = join($",@URL);
$URL=~ s/onClick.*//;
$Coverage= join($",@Coverage);
$Note= join("+",@Note);
# Call to subroutine which looks for regular expressions
# in the URL to add Source info which is not coded
# in the Holdings record
# This tells the program to put MFHDs without a URL
# into a separate file, NOURLOUT (not really useful to this project)
if ($URL eq '')
{ print NOURLOUT "$bib|$mfhd|$Source|$Jtitle|$issn|$Coverage|$Note\n";}
{ print DATAOUT "$bib|$mfhd|$Source|$Jtitle|$issn|$URL|$Coverage|$Note\n";}
# Finish with the statement handles, disconnect from database
# logout from the database
$dbh->disconnect || warn $DBI::errstr;
# Now to sort the file and put newly sorted data into another
# file, using the system command
system("sort -o cfejournals.txt -t '|' -f -u -d +3 +1 +0 cfej.unsorted");
# This will now copy the newly created file into a directory
# that can be reached with a CFHTTP, then delete the originals.
# No need for us to ftp because our Voyager web server resides on/in
# the same server that holds our Voyager database. Your situation
# may be different.
system("cp cfejournals.txt $cfhttp_dir/ejournals.txt");
system("rm cfejournals.txt cfej.unsorted");
# close filehandles
close (NOURLOUT);
close (DATAOUT);
# Subroutine to find sources for Ejournals that don't
# have the information in the 852 $z. Basically just looks
# to match regular expressions in the URL.
# This list is obviously incomplete, and only assigns
# a Source for those vendors who have a decent amount
# of Ejournals. Standalone Ejournals will most likely
# not have anything in Source.
sub source
if ($URL=~ /.*proquest.*/)
{$Source = "ProQuest";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*jstor.*/)
{$Source = "JSTOR";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*muse\.jhu.*/)
{$Source = "Project Muse";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.gov.*/)
{$Source = "Government Publication";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*link\.springer.*/)
{$Source = "Springer-Verlag";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*interscience\.wiley\.com.*/)
{$Source = "Wiley Interscience";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*idealibrary.*/)
{$Source = "IDEAL";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*catchword.*/)
{$Source = "Catchword";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*sciencedirect\.com.*/)
{$Source = "ScienceDirect";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*pubs\.acs\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Chemical Society";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ojps\.aip\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Institute of Physics";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*journals\.cup\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Cambridge University Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*press\.umich.*/)
{$Source = "University of Michigan Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*journals\.uchicago.*/)
{$Source = "University of Chicago Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*oup\.co\.uk.*/)
{$Source = "Oxford University Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ingenta.*/)
{$Source = "Ingenta";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.rsc\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Royal Society of Chemistry";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.mrs\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Materials Research Society";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.iop\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Institute of Physics";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*opticsinfobase.*/)
{$Source = "Optics InfoBase";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*bloomberg\.com.*/)
{$Source = "Bloomberg";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ama\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Marketing Association";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ams\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Mathematical Society";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*frbchi.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*oupjournals\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Oxford University Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*bmjjournals\.com.*/)
{$Source = "BMJ";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*harvard\.edu.*/)
{$Source = "Harvard University";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*blackwellpublishers.*/)
{$Source = "Blackwell Publishers";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*dallasfed\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*frbsf.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*clev\.frb.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*endojournals\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Endocrine Society";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*cepr\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Center for Economic Policy Research";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.asm\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Society for Microbiology";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*emerald-library\.com.*/)
{$Source = "MCB University Press";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*biologists\.com.*/)
{$Source = "The Company of Biologists, Ltd.";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*sgmjournals\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Society for General Microbiology";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*aspetjournals\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.acm\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Association for Computing Machinery";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.nsba\.org.*/)
{$Source = "National School Boards Association";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.siam\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.imf\.org.*/)
{$Source = "International Monetary Fund";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ahajournals\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Heart Association";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*vanderbilt\.edu.*/)
{$Source = "Vanderbilt University";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*\.journals\.cambridge\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Cambridge Journals Online";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*columbia\.edu.*/)
{$Source = "Columbia University";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*mpls\.frb\.fed\.\.us.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*epress\.com.*/)
{$Source = "EPress";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ama-assn.*/)
{$Source = "American Medical Association";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*astm\.org.*/)
{$Source = "ASTM";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ebsco\.com.*/)
{$Source = "Ebsco Online";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*wspc\.com\.sg.*/)
{$Source = "WorldSciNet";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*eg\.miner\.rochester\.edu:9000.*/)
{$Source = "Miner Digital Library";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*blackwell-synergy\.com.*/)
{$Source = "Blackwell Science Synergy";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*ada\.org.*/)
{$Source = "American Dental Association";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*nato\.int.*/)
{$Source = "NATO";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*wkap\.nl.*/)
{$Source = "Kluwer";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*nature\.com.*/)
{$Source = "Nature Publishing Group";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*bos\.frb\.org.*/)
{$Source = "Federal Reserve Bank of Boston";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*wiley-vch\.de.*/)
{$Source = "Wiley-VCH";}
elsif ($URL=~ /.*intlpress\.com.*/)
{$Source = "International Press";}
# clean up $Source a little
$Source = join($",@Source);
$Source =~ s/Available through\s//;
$Source =~ s/Access restricted.*//;
$Source =~ s/Access.*//;
# RemoveDiacritics
# This subroutine looks at the non-word, non-space
# characters, supplied by the substitution function
# that calls it.
# If the character has a decimal value of 161 or greater
# it is removed. Otherwise it is left alone. This has
# to do with differences in character encoding in the
# MARC and non-MARC worlds.
# Characters with decimal values between 224 and 255
# (hex E0-FF) are MARC "combining" (non-spacing)
# graphical marks, chiefly diacritical marks. Ideally,
# they would be combined with the adjacent spacing
# graphic character to display the desired diacritic.
# If these non-spacing marks are not removed, they
# become unwanted (and unsightly & confusing) spacing
# marks in our non-MARC world.
# Characters with decimal values between 161 and 223
# (hex A1-DF) are meant to be spacing graphical marks,
# however they map to different characters in the MARC
# world and the non-MARC world, so are removed.
# This subroutine will eventually be replaced by a subroutine
# written by Michael Doran which will render the diacritics.
sub RemoveDiacritics
my ($character) = @_;
if (ord($character) >= 161)