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    Voyager to Alma Migration Query: Bibliographic Records where 245 has blank second indicator field

    Created By: Laura Guy (contact)
    Created on: 2/03/2021

    When migrating from Voyager to Alma, it may be helpful to identify, review, and perhaps "fix" bibliographic records that have a 245 field with a blank second indicator field. The 245 second indicator is the non-filing indicator. It should be set to 0, not blank, if there are no non-filing characters.

    These two queries, which can be run using Voyager's Prepackaged Access Reports, must be run in sequence.  The first query is a Make Table query.  The second query uses the table created in the first query. Note that the first query prompts the user for starting and ending BIB_IDs. Ranges should be 10,000 records or fewer.

    Find bib records where 245 Indicator 2 is blank Query 1: This query prompts for the starting end ending bib_IDs. For bibs in the range, it extracts the bib_id, title, opac-suppressed flag, and the 245 second indicator. The results are written to the table, "Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table":

    Mid(getfieldraw(getbibblob([bib_text].[bib_id]),"245",1),5,1) AS 245Ind2
    INTO [Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table]
    WHERE (((BIB_TEXT.BIB_ID) Between [Starting bib_id:] And [Ending bib_id:]));

    Find bib records where 245 Indicator 2 is blank Query 2: This query goes through the table built by Query 1 and finds the records where 245 indicator 2 is a blank:

    SELECT [Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table].BIB_ID,
    [Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table].TITLE_BRIEF,
    [Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table].SUPPRESS_IN_OPAC
    FROM [Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table]
    WHERE ((([Find bibs where 245 Ind 2 is blank Table].[245Ind2])=" "));


    For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.

    Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.