Voyager to Alma Migration Query: Identify Serial Bibiographic Records that do not have an ISSN
When migrating from Voyager to Alma, it may be advantageous to identify and review those serial bibliographic records that do not have an ISSN. This query looks at bib records with the MARC leader bib level value of "s" which do not have an ISSN field.
This query, which can be run using Voyager Prepackaged Access Reports, can be used to identify serial bib records that need ISSNs added to them.
SELECT BIB_TEXT.BIB_ID, BIB_TEXT.BIB_FORMAT, utf8to16([bib_text].[TITLE_BRIEF]) AS Title_Brief, Mid([FIELD_008],7,1)
AS [Publication Status], utf8to16([bib_text].[PUBLISHER_DATE]) AS Publisher_Date
WHERE (((BIB_TEXT.BIB_FORMAT) Like "*s") AND ((utf8to16([bib_text].[ISSN]))=" "))
ORDER BY Mid([FIELD_008],7,1), utf8to16([bib_text].[PUBLISHER_DATE]);
For other queries that may be useful, see my "Surviving Almanado: tips for a successful pre-implementation" presentation's Accompanying Materials.
Posted as is. If you need assistance in running custom SQL queries in Prepackaged Access Reports, consult the Voyager Customer Listserv.