ACQ:Titles list, hover over MARC button "Clear All Selections"
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 7.2.5
Bug Report 16384-17473
Module: Acquisitions.exe
Server platform(s) affected: n/a (client issue)
Release replicated in: 6.5.4-8.1.0
Expected results:
"Review MARC Record " should appear if the user hovers the mouse pointer over the MARC button in the titles list.
Actual results:
"Clear All Selections" appears if the user hovers the mouse pointer over the MARC button in the titles list.
Replication steps:
1. Open Acquisitions and log in.
2. Search line items, PO, Invoice, Serials Check-In, Problems, Claims (anything that will retrieve the search grid) choose "Bib and Holdings Info" as the search by type.
3. Enter a search that will generate one or more results.
4. On the Titles List screen, hover the mouse pointer over the MARC button.
5. "Clear All Selections" appears if the user hovers the mouse pointer over the MARC button in the titles list.
- Article last edited: 3/19/2015