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    ACQ:Title search for component w/ > 45 characters gets run time error 65099

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Voyager
    • Product Version: 8.1.1

    Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-15857

    Module(s): Acquisitions
    Server platform(s) affected: Linux
    PC OS (if applicable): n/a
    Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
    Release(s): reported/replicated in 7.2.5
    Loss of functionality from (previous version, if applicable): 7.2.4

    Expected results:
    Operators should be able to retrieve a component using the full text of the component name.

    Actual results:
    If the component name has > 45 characters, the title searched for uses > 45 characters, and the site is on Linux, the initial search will say ‘Subscription component information not found!’; any subsequent search for the component generates a run time error 65099 and the client will shut down.

    Workflow implications: Operators may think the component no longer exists; it’s also extra steps to reopen the client.

    Replication steps:
    Create a component in serials check-in with a title that’s greater than 45 characters.
    Search for the check-in title using a search term with more than 45 characters.
    The first search will return an error stating ‘Subscription component information not found!’; any subsequent search for the component (even with the truncated title), will generate a run time error 65099 and the client will close.

    Other information: This problem only happens for Linux.

    Workaround: Search for the component using the truncated title or use Other Search instead of Check-in Title.

    Fixed in Voyager 8.1.1.

    • Article last edited: 3/18/2015